Monday, November 9, 2009

Craft Fair Tips

Is it Saturday yet? I think I need another weekend because I 'm incredibly exhausted today! Mr. Designs by Vanessa and I (with help from my awesome parents) had a yard sale over the weekend and we FINALLY cleaned out our garage and unpacked every last box from our move (no we didn't just move...we have just been putting off unpacking). I didn't think it was possible but we can now park our cars inside of the garage with room to spare! I decided to do a little Designs by Vanessa craft fair test run at the yard sale and I'm glad I did because I learned a few things from this...

1. Do a test run of your display before the actual craft fair. I learned what I needed to make more of and how I could better present my designs. I also learned how to set up my tent (not an easy task when the instructions were missing).

2. Bring snacks, drinks, etc. with you so you rarely have to leave your booth. As much as he tries, Mr. Designs by Vanessa will never be able to explain the difference between a bicone and a rondelle (although I would like to witness that conversation) so it is important that I be there the majority of the time.

3. Bring supplies - pens, paper, tape, scissors, stapler, calculator, etc. Even if you don't think you will need it, just bring it!

4. Start an email list. I learned the importance of being able to network with customers after the event. I plan on having a notebook available at my next event for potential customers to leave their email addresses in so I can update them about future events/sales/etc.

What are your craft fair tips?



Gina (Prim and Polished) said...

I adore that banner!!!

Cristina said...

Great tips & perfect timing for me - I'm doing my first craft show tomorrow & I'm soo nervous/anxious/excited about it!! :)

By the way, I love your banner! Did you order it online or have it made locally? I'm going to need something like that in the near future and I have nooo idea where to go for one!

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

Thanks Gina and Christina! I ordered the banner from Vista Print :)

Jennifer [Aspiring Fashionista] said...

What a set up! It's all so cute. I love the bird bath. It's a nice touch.

BeadedTail said...

Great display and great tips! I'm doing my first show on the 21st so this was very timely for me!

Kati said...

yes, wonderful tips! thanks a bunch! :)

~Kati, Hooks of Hope

Asil Designs said...

I like to have an "Enter to win" box this gets everyone's contact info and one lucky winner wins beautiful jewels...check out my booth to see my enter to win box :0)

Anonymous said...

I don't know about a bicone or rondelle either...

Your booth looks very enticing :)

Duni said...

Great tips, Vanessa! I'll keep these in mind when/if I ever participate in a craft fair. And your display looks fabulous. I love the banner!

Anonymous said...

The table looks great! I love the banner too. I agree, the tips are great.

I have a project I'm working on to eventually open an etsy is just sucking up my sewing time!

AudreyO said...

Excellent tips. Make sure to bring business cards and catalogs with you.

viagra online said...

Excellent tips posted here..Thanks for sharing this..

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