Monday, February 15, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Almost 20 years ago, this scrawny little thing appeared at our backdoor looking for a family. Her bones were poking out beneath her matted fur and she was freezing cold. I was 8 years old and had been begging my parents for a pet so when this tiny creature appeared on our doorstep I surely thought that my prayers had been answered. My mom instructed me not to feed it or it would stick around, so of course I quietly put my own blanket outside along with some lunch meat for this shivering critter. Night after night she continued to return to our backdoor and she eventually warmed her way into all of our hearts and our home.

Kitty-Kitty was so much more than just a pet, she became an important part of our family who was there for us in ways that are indescribable. When I left for college, she stayed behind to keep my parents company (a.k.a. boss them around). Kitty was diagnosed with kidney failure awhile back and my parents had been giving her an IV each morning to keep her hydrated. It was difficult seeing our family member get older and go through these changes but she still had her same sassy personality. More recently, she started having difficulty walking and began shivering uncontrollably. My parents had a difficult decision to make. Yesterday morning my mom fed Kitty-Kitty ice cream, a treat that she always went crazy over but we never allowed her to have, and my parents held her as she left us.

Words cannot express how much joy she brought into our lives and how much we'll miss her. We're very lucky and grateful that she picked us to become her family. Hug your pets a little tighter tonight because their time on earth goes by way too fast.



Anonymous said...

I'm so so sorry to hear about your kitty. Our pets really are our family members.

Theresa MacNaughton said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. We recently lost ours as well. But her memory will live on, as I am sure your beloved sweetie will as well.
My sympathies,

4smartmonkeys said...

I'm so sorry about your loss sweetie. I know how hard it is to lose a furry loved one.

Maggie said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful kitty. Even though we know the day must come to say goodbye, that doesn't make it any easier. She was lucky as well, that you and your family cared for her for nearly 20 years.

Valerie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your little kitty. It's so hard to loose a pet.

Marianne & Clayton said...

That is so sad, I'm sorry. What a long life she had though! How nice that you had such a long time with her. I still remember my sweet cat Patches that I lost 20+ years ago.

Unknown said...

So sorry to read this! She'll always be part of your family and personal memories. We relate to those little furry beings in ways that are hard to imagine.

Hana said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved kitty. I too grew up with a kitty that I loved dearly. I found him abandoned at a local park when I was 5 and he shared his life with me until I was 20 when he too suffered from diabetes and kidney failure. It's been 10 years since I buried him in my parents back yard but his memory lives on. It's crazy how much a pet can impact your life. God bless!

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

Sorry for your loss. We are looking for a pet for my daughter, and totally understand how hard it is to let go said...

I'm so sorry to hear this! It's so sad. But you'll keep the sweetest memories of your kitty in your heart.

Anonymous said...

Im so sorry to hear this.Its sad when they go,I have 2 cats,one is also named Kitty but he is only 2The other is 12 and hes been a little strange lately.Acting like hes a bit confused...its a sad thing to go through.Hope you will cherish the memories he gave you,that will make you smile.~~Becky

OliveStreetStudio said...

i'm sorry to hear of kitty-kitty's passing. Thanks for sharing such a heart=felt story. Our dog is nearing 8 and know she is getting old. I hate to think about it.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry that you guys lost your little sweetie. It sounds like she had a long, really wonderful life and gave you guys as much as you gave her. You're in my thoughts.

Janet Metzger, Artist said...

Your post brought back memories of my own sweet Whisper, my orange tabby who lived to be 21 years old. Kidney failure took him also. Close your eyes and feel my good thoughts coming your way ;-)

Jenn said...

oh no! losing pets is so hard! I'm sorry about your kitty.

manda said...

Oh Vanessa, your beautiful words have made me cry. She surely did choose you, and was a loving member of your little family. I will mourn her loss also, as I feel deeply for you. I will hug each of my kitties, dogs and lizards today, an extra heartfelt one, from you to them. I will be thinking of you and your family, and I hope the stab of pain eases soon.
Much love and hugs to you all!

Unknown said...

Oh Vanessa, I'm so sorry to hear of this. Many sympathies and hugs your way. I'll be thinking of you.

Suzie said...

So very sorry!

Jackie said...

I'm so sorry for you loss. It's funny how pets become such an important part of the family. Sounds like she was one very loved cat and had a wonderful life.

bayctygrl said...


I am so sorry for you loss

Crafty Brooklyn Army Wife said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how hard it is to deal with. I am glad your Mom gave her a special treat and held her the whole time. She will always be with you and your family.

My condolences,

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about your cat...:( it breaks my heart because they become just like family
Sympathy to you and your family

Peggy said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful Kitty-Kitty. I know it so hard losing your beloved Kitty-Kitty. My sympathies

Lori said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Sounds like Kitty-kitty was very loved.

L. J. Lowe said...

so sorry. :( <3

Nannieflash said...

Hi Vanessa, Im really sorry youve had to say goodbye to your friend I do so hope that you will try and remember and enjoy all the wonderful years you did have her with you, and it brings you some solace. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

Duni said...

Oh Vanessa, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm so glad you gave her a home when she needed one, and she in turn gave you her affection.
She was a sweet little kitty....may she rest in peace.

GirlyGirlBags said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss Vanessa, sounds like Kitty had a long and wonderful life. I lost my very first cat several months ago (he was 15).

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