Saturday, May 8, 2010

BB Age Photo Blocks Review & Giveaway - ENDED

BB Blocks offers age photo blocks to help capture your child's (or pet's) age in photos. A creative mompreneur came up with this idea just days after her own baby was born and she wanted to document her daughter's age in pictures. Each photo block set includes 2 number blocks (number combination 1-29 are possible) and 1 week/month/year block. Don't you just love this idea?!

BB Blocks recently sent me a set of Age Photo Blocks to review and I just fell in love with this product! I'm officially in my 3rd trimester and time is just going by way too fast, I can imagine that time will really fly once my baby is out of my belly. That is why I love these blocks, they help you document those fleeting moments in time that you never want to forget. I actually wish that I had found these blocks sooner because it would have been fun to take weekly bump pictures with them and continue those pictures with my baby.

Buy It:
Visit BB Blocks to purchase these products. A purchase is not necessary to enter the giveaway.

Win It:
BB Blocks is giving away a set of Age Photo Blocks ($40 value) to 1 lucky winner! This giveaway is open to US residents. For a chance to win, you must do the following:


1. Visit BB Blocks and tell me what you love most about these blocks. Make sure to leave your email address or a way for me to contact you in your comment.

Optional/Additional Entries: (Please leave a separate comment for each entry)

2. Subscribe to or follow my blog. Current subscribers/followers count!

3. Blog about this giveaway.

4. "Like" Designs by Vanessa on Facebook. Current fans count!

5. "Like" BB Blocks on Facebook. Current fans count!

6. Follow Designs by Vanessa on Twitter. Current followers count!

7. Tweet the following (can be tweeted daily): BB Age Photo Blocks Giveaway @designsvanessa -

8. Post my button on your blog or site (just copy and paste the code you see in my sidebar).

9. Enter another giveaway on this blog.

10. Leave a comment on a non-giveaway post on this blog.

Join Designs by Vanessa's mailing list.

Join the Mailing List

Enter your name and email address below:




Do this by May 29th and you are in! 1 winner will be picked randomly. Please make sure that you leave a way for us to contact you or we won't be able to get this fabulous prize to you. Winners who I am unable to contact and who don't respond within 48 hours of being sent their winning email notification will forfeit their prize and I will draw another name.



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Cathie M. Rainwater said...

I LOVE these blocks...ALL of my family lives outside my state so I share with them all via the internet and online photos. This is an amazing way to keep track of what week and month the baby is. It beats my old way of trying to name the image with the month and date...especially when you upload it somewhere that automatically changes the name.

H is for Hillman said...

Oh these are adorable! I wish I would have seen these sooner to capture monthly photos of my son, who is now 7 mos. But it would be so much fun to capture his years with them as well as my daughters! Great giveaway.

H is for Hillman said...

I follow your blog

H is for Hillman said...

Im a facebook Fan

H is for Hillman said...

I entered the body shop giveaway

H is for Hillman said...

I entered the sampler village giveaway

H is for Hillman said...

I entered the Knit hat giveaway

H is for Hillman said...

I commented on the slow down blog entry!

mrs griffiths said...

These blocks are fantastic! My husband is really getting into photography and I know he would LOVE to have these when our Little One(s) is/are born!

Marcie W. said...

I just LOVE how you can literally create unique, weekly pictures of your newborn with these! Especially for an avid picture taker like myself! I wish they had these when my little ones were first born, but I have MANY pregnant mommy friends right now who would adore these!

Marcie W. said...

I follow via Google

Celine said...

These blocks are fantastic for weekly and monthly pictures :)


Marcie W. said...

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Celine said...

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Celine said...

I entered the picky sticky giveaway (

Marcie W. said...

Im a fan of BB Blocks on FB - Marcie Wahrer

Marcie W. said...

I entered the Littlest Fair Garden giveaway

Marcie W. said...

I entered the Knit Hat giveaway

Marcie W. said...

I entered the Body Shop giveaway

Marcie W. said...

I entered the Crane humidifier giveaway

Marcie W. said...

I entered the nursing cover giveaway

Marcie W. said...

I entered the Milan maternity giveaway

Marcie W. said...

I entered the Seventh Generation giveaway

Marcie W. said...

My daily tweet 5/8

Green's Anatomy said...

OMG! Seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen!! I love when people take monthly/yearly photos of their kids and this is a perfect touch to add to the photos! My friend will LOVE these!! I must win them for her!!!!

Green's Anatomy said...

I follow your blog!!!

Green's Anatomy said...

I blogged!!

Green's Anatomy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Green's Anatomy said...

I like Designs by Vanessa on facebook!

Green's Anatomy said...

I like BB Blocks on facebook!!

Green's Anatomy said...

I follow Designs by Vanessa on twitter! @kelseylaster

Green's Anatomy said...

Your button is on my blog!!

Green's Anatomy said...

Also entered the Crane Humidifier Giveaway!

Unknown said...

I "Like" Designs by Vanessa on Facebook

Unknown said...

I "Like" BB Blocks on Facebook

Unknown said...

I love these blocks! What a creative way to document your child's growth. Would definitely love this for the new baby on the way!

Unknown said...

Also entered the Milan Maternity Top Giveaway

cp said...

These blocks are super cute! I would love to take pictures and capture Birthdays with these!

Hunter's Mom said...

These blocks are so cute! For as many pictures as I put on facebook, these would be great to have when posting the pictures for our friends and family to see. Too cute!

Hunter's Mom said...

I am a fan of yours on facebook

Hunter's Mom said...

I follow you on twitter.

Hunter's Mom said...

I will be entering the humidifier giveaway.

Shawna said...

I love how they are so versatile and you can reuse them without having to re-make "month" or "week" paper signs! :)

Jaedyn said...

Oh my goodness, what a CUTE idea! Love love love! My daughter is two (today actually) and I wish I had had these earlier. :) I think they're a wonderful baby shower gift, too!

I really love the colors and the fact that the set can be used for a little boy or girl. :)

Thanks for the great giveaway!

kindredspiritreviews at gmail dot com

Jaedyn said...

Email subscriber! (ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com)

Jaedyn said...

I'm a fan on Facebook! (Lindsey F)

Jaedyn said...

Following you on Twitter! (@kindred_spirit)

Jaedyn said...

"Liked" BB Blocks on Facebook, too!

debbie said...

I love that you will know exactly how old they are in the pictures. I learned don't rely on memory, it doesn't work.

debbie said...

I am a email subscriber.

Snowflake07 said...

This is such a cute idea! When I go back through my old photos as a kid, it's hard for me to remember exactly what age I was. I love the idea of starting a tradition of taking a picture with the blocks at each birthday.
hotpepper71 at bell south dot net

Snowflake07 said...


Snowflake07 said...

email/mailing list subscriber

Snowflake07 said...

following on twitter as SnowflakeDay

Snowflake07 said...

google friend follower

Mama R. said...

These look fantastic! I love that you can slip them in a picture for instant studio-like portraits.


Mama R. said...

i follow your blog.


Mama R. said...

facebook fan. :)


Marcie W. said...

My daily tweet 5/9

Mama R. said...

entered the tippy toes knits giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I am an avid photographer and I think these would be awesome to use to document my son's growth, especially since his grandma lives 5 hrs away!

Nicole said...

I love how versatile they are for weeks, months and years!

Nicole said...

Im a FB fan!

Nicole said...

I follow your blog

Cat G. said...

I love that they are a size that works for both babies and toddlers on up!


Nicole said...

I have entered other giveaways on your blog

Cat G. said...

I follow you on twitter! -@racergirl1313

Cat G. said...


Cari K. said...

I love that they are blocks. I have seen cards and papers and stickers but I love this idea!

Cari K. said...

I follow via gfc

Cari K. said...

I follow bb blocks on facebook

Cari K. said...

I follow you on twitter

Cari K. said...

I tweeted

Cari K. said...

I entered the nursing cover giveaway

Cari K. said...

I entered the bath luve giveaway

Cari K. said...

I entered the crane humidifier giveaway

Cari K. said...

I entered the maternity top giveaway

Jennifer said...

I love the fact I wont have to go hunting for when the picture was taken jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

I tweeted: jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

I entered your Bath Luve Fish giveaway jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

I joined Designs by Vanessa's mailing list jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

miller lawn service said...

These are so cute! I love that they have so many options (weeks, months, years) so they're really versatile.

miller lawn service said...

I'm a follower (via GFC)

miller lawn service said...

I entered your The Body Shop's Mother Day Giveaway. Thanks!

Cat G. said...


Marcie W. said...

My daily tweet 5/10

Anonymous said...

I love that numbers one through 29 are avaiable on these blocks...that is cool

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks a bunch!!!

Anonymous said...

subscribe :)

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks a bunch!!!

Anonymous said...

Like on Facebook !!

pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thanks a bunch!!!

Sharon said...

I love the size of these blocks, not overwhelming for a little baby though not too small for a 7-year-old to pose with! I'd love to win these for my cousin, who's expecting her second boy! :)

Sharon said...

I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect.

Sharon said...

I entered the pillow cover giveaway!

Unknown said...

i love the bright colors! thanks for the opportunity!

meredith dot targarona at gmail dot com

Kelly Irene said...

I like that these will last well beyond the infant days!

Kelly Irene said...

I follow your blog :)

very married said...


I love this:

very married said...


posted on your cinco de mayo post!

very married said...

going to enter the purple pajamas giveaway!


Teisa Linscott said...

I love that you can take a picture each month and know exactly how old your child is.

Katrina said...

Seriously I love how cute those are!!!!!!!!! I took a picture every month in the same chair but would have loved to use these with it. I would definitely use this with the next child!

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Kristen said...

I like the's so easy to look at the photos later and think "how old was she there?" What a good idea!

couponboss at gmail dot com

Kristen said...

I entered the Purple Pajamas pillow covers giveaway.

couponboss at gmail dot com

Bethany said...

I love the colors, for one thing, and I also love that they can be used over and over, since you can switch from weeks to months to years!

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

already a blog follower

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Snowflake07 said...


Kristin said...

I like that they are bright springy colors and not primary colors.

Kristin said...

Follow your blog via gfc.

Kristin said...

i follow you via twitter.

Kristin said...

I am entered into the purple pajamas g.a.

Kristin said...

I am entered into the Milan maternity g.a.

Kristin said...

I am entered into the Bellybar g.a.

Becca said...

I just love that Rachel that created the blocks days after her daughter.

Melinda said...

I love these! I love how you can use the same style/look in all of the milestone pictures by just turning the blocks. Great for us moms who take TONS of pictures!

Melinda said...

I'm a blog follower
melbhager at yahoo dot com

Melinda said...

I'm a facebook fan

melbhager at yahoo dot com

Melinda said...

I'm also a BB Blocks fan on facebook

melbhager at yahoo dot com

Melinda said...

I'm a twitter follower

melbhager at yahoo dot com

jakiesmom said...

i like that they document weeks, months and yrs.
nannypanpan at

jakiesmom said...

entered tipsy toe

jakiesmom said...

entered think baby

jakiesmom said...

entered crane

jakiesmom said...

entered bath luve

jakiesmom said...

entered body shop

jakiesmom said...

entered sampler village

jakiesmom said...

entered milan

Cat G. said...


Anonymous said...
I love how you can create unique and special pictures weekly snd monthly!

Anonymous said...
entered the seventh generation contest

Anonymous said...
Love how you can log your baby's progress throughout their first years

Anonymous said...
entered the pillow cover contest

Anonymous said...
entered the pillow cover contest

Messy Mommy said...

I wish I would've had these when my baby was first born! How adorable! I like how it switches from weeks, months, to years. Love em!

Anonymous said...
entered the sampler village contest

Anonymous said...
entered the sampler village contest

Linda Kish said...

These blocks are perfect for a new mom to have for photos of their baby/child

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

ash said...

Such a great idea! I love how you use them from pregnancy and then after birth as well.

Marcie W. said...

My daily tweet 5/11

K said...

These are awesome! I love that you can set them to weeks, months, years, etc. so they will be useful for so long!

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Following via GFC

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered think baby

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered bath luve

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered Body Shop

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered Crane humidifier

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered Belly Bar

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered Sew Treet

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered Sampler Village

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered Milan Maternity

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered Weleda

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered Seventh Generation

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

K said...

Entered Tippy Toes

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

Shelby Sunshine said...

What a great idea! I have taken so many photos of my baby and sometimes it's hard to remember how many months she is in the photos. The colors are chic and classy. I hope I win!

Tiffany said...

Love these! I planned to print out something on my computer with the date but these are much cuter!

Tiffany said...

I am a FB fan.

Tiffany said...

I "liked" BB Blocks on FB.

Jessica said...

I love these! I am a children's photographer and I am always looking for cool new ideas to add to my photographs. Would have loved to have had these when my son was born!!

Jessica said...

"liked" Designs by Vanessa


Jessica said...

Entered the giveaway for the cute handmade babies hat


Jessica said...

I tweeted! My twitter name is jessicajonnie


Jessica said...

I joined the mailing list!


Jenn Webster said...

Ooohh..I love these. Too cute for milestone pictures.

Snowflake07 said...


Anonymous said...

I love these blocks! I think it is great that you can use them all the way up until years too. So many baby things are just weeks and months.

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog

Anonymous said...

Im a facebook fan

Marcie W. said...

My daily tweet 5/12

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

I love that you can forever document your childs age!

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

I follow your blog: Double Duty Mommy

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

I'm a fan on FB: Jennifer Mercurio

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

I follow you on twitter: jmercurio19

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

I tweeted:

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

I entered the Milan Maternity giveaway

Cat G. said...


Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

I joined ur mailing list:

X said...

I love that they're multicolored- good for boys and girls!
kimhigueria at gmail dot com

X said...

Like Designs by Vanessa on FB
kimhigueria at gmail dot com

X said...

Like BB Blocks on FB
kimhigueria at gmail dot com

X said...

Following Designs by Vanessa on twitter @kimhigueria
kimhigueria at gmail dot com

X said...

kimhigueria at gmail dot com

Desirae Todd Photography said...

I love how creative and colorful they are!

Emily Taylor said...

I love the versatility and how cute they are.


erin, maker of chimes said...

I love that they're so compact and will last for ever, plus they'd look so cute in the pics

Snowflake07 said...


Cat G. said...


Cat G. said...

I just started following on GFC

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

5/13 tweet

Marcie W. said...

My daily tweet 5/13

Domestic Diva said...

I love that you can use the same blocks over and over and over (unlike stickers).

smooze13 said...

I love these blocks! I took pics of my son every month. And I'm expecting #2 in August and this would be wonderful to incorroporate into the pics!

smooze13 said...

I follow your blog on my reader.

smooze13 said...

I enetered the crane giveaway

smooze13 said...

left a comment on your latest post. I love this blog.

Snowflake07 said...


Cat G. said...


Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

5/14 tweet

Marcie W. said...

My daily tweet 5/14

Roxy80s said...

These blocks are such a great idea! It will make add creativity to the pictures.

Christina said...

Christina - - I love the time element about these blocks - rather than by date, you can see how "old" your child or pet is!

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

5/15 tweet

Snowflake07 said...

I entered the Purple Pajamas giveaway.

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