Friday, October 3, 2008

I was tagged!

Little Paper Dog and The Spotted Sparrow, fellow Etsy Bloggers, tagged me in a game of blog tag. I'm supposed to share six of my deepest and darkest secrets with you...ok maybe not my deepest and darkest but here you go...

1. The clothes/shoes in my closet are categorized by color. I wish this was my closet...

2. I'm addicted to lip gloss and I apply it at least 20 times a day.

3. I LOVE pickles (and no I'm not prego). Sorry I couldn't find a yummy looking picture of a pickle lol.

4. I already have my children's names picked out and I'm not telling what they are.

5. I like to watch the same movie or listen to the same song over and over- like once the movie ends I will play it again right after we just finished watching it lol.

6. I hate sitting still and I'm always doing at least 10 things at once.

I'm tagging the following blogs:
Mc Chatter
Handmade Bits and Pieces
The Silly BooDilly
The Copper Cauldron
Stormy Designs


Victoria said...

Fun list!
Thanks for the tag!

Alison Purple said...

Hah! I have my kids' names picked out too!

I LOVE your new layout btw...

agoodwitchtoo said...

Okay... I finished my post :)

Ashley Newell said...

Hi Vanessa, you won a giveaway on my blog. I just need your email address so I can get the PDFs sent to you.

Little Paper Dog said...

I am totally addicted to lip gloss too! Just thinking about it makes me want to put more on :)

Starla said...

mmm...i love pickles too! i think my next step will be attempting to do some pickling myself!

JennyLee said...

I am the same way with movies and music. :) Thank you for the comment on my page!

Stela said...

hahah I do the same thing with songs! I'll listen to it onl repeat for days until I find a new song to do that to!

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