Who? This giveaway is open to everyone- bloggers and non-bloggers, U.S. or non U.S. residents. The more the merrier!
What? Win your choice of these 2 prints in your choice of size (12 x12" or 6x6") by SarahCruse:

When? Sunday, February 8th - Sunday, February 22nd. I will announce a winner on my blog on Monday, February 23rd.
Where? Right here.
Why? Because who doesn't love artwork from talented etsians!
How? Let me tell you how you can win...
1. Visit SarahCruse and pick out your fave item, come back here and post a comment about why you like it so much.
2. For an additional entry, blog about this contest in your blog and come back here and leave an additional comment with the link.
3. For an additional entry, subscribe to my blog and come back here and leave an additional comment that you have subscribed.
4. For an additional entry, add this contest button to your blog sidebar (just copy and paste the code) and come back here and leave an additional comment with your blog link.

5. For an additional entry, add my blog button to your sidebar (just copy and paste the code you see in my sidebar) and come back here and leave an additional comment with your blog link.
6. For an additional entry, tweet about this giveaway and come back here and leave an additional comment with your twitter link.
Do this by February 22nd and you are in! A winner will be picked randomly. Please make sure that you leave a way for us to contact you or we won't be able to get this fabulous prize to you.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»I love the Loveletter Ship-playful and beautiful print!
Elaine R
Elaine R
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I like A White Goat at SarahCruse; but what I REALLY like is the Little Blue Deer print giveaway, very Fauve and expressionistic and just absolutely wonderful!
I just love ship paintings, and her Feather Drifter Ship print really caught my eye. It's got a perfect balance of colors and is a really unique take on the subject. She's a new favorite!
"Things you can trust". Great artist with a unique style. I love the colors, mane and everything!
I follow
I love Pick One, You Know Which.
lesjoujou AT gmail DOT com
Feather Drifter Ship
i like the owl :)
love the owl and the peacock - very cute and modern, Also love the colors
misaacmom [at] gmail [dot] com
have your button at blogmania
tweet - http://twitter.com/misaacmom/status/1190794870
I love the Love Letter Ship. It's a very evocative, and apt, image.
i like the - Antlers. there is just so much masculinity in that art and i like the use of dark red as background.
I'm subscribed.
Her work is fabulous! I adore the
"Pick One, You Know Which One" Skeleton Key Painting. Please enter em in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I am a subscriber to your site!
Many thanks, Cindi
I absolutely adore the Little Blue Deer original painting http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=20324752
and the gorgeous Miss Magenta elephant painting.
I subscribe!
I have your blog button on my sidebar at http://myhidingplaceincyberspace.blogspot.com
Actually, I love the Little Blue Deer Print the most. My second favourite is Things You Can Trust.
I'm a subscriber.
I added the contest button on my sidebar!
I added your blog button on my sidebar!
I blogged!
My favorite is the Red Cello
Red is my favorite color and I have two wonderful children that love music!
Wondeful giveaway.
oooooooooh, I posted the giveaway on my blog!
I love things you can trust. seems like adding magic to everyday life, to real horses. (lol, I just went and looked at the description of it and saw what you wrote, after I wrote the above.)
Me choose the Feather Drifter Ship print coz the art and the colour really looks fabulous and it will be a perfect gift for my dad who love art on his 61th birthday
I love Antlers... the details are absolutely amazing!
Blogged your giveaway here: http://contestcanuck.blogspot.com/2009/02/contest-call_08.html
I subscribe :O)
I have your giveaway button on my blog. http://contestcanuck.blogspot.com
I have your regular button on my blog: http://contestcanuck.blogspot.com
Tweeted your giveaway: http://twitter.com/bargainhunting/statuses/1190936357
Love the Feather Drifter Ship print. Fabulous art n perfect gift for my 61st birthday
I blogged - done
I subscribe - done
Contest button add - done
add to my bloglist - done
Twitter done
I really like "Anywhere with you" and Gorgeous Fortune. The colors are beautiful and gorgeous. Nice work!
I twittered about this wonderful Giveaway.
I love Feather Drifter. It's fantastic!
have your button!
I love the Pink Pearly Cello!!! Wow! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway, and for introducing me to this fabulous artist~!
I like "Anywhere with you, too" and "Golden Sails Will Get you There". Sorry, can't choose just 1.
juan_hurrican (at) yahoo (dot) com
HI! I like Miss Magenta!
Great giveaway
I tweeted.
WOW! Such an amazing artist! My favorite piece from her shop is "Any Where With You, Too." I love the ships she creates!
I'm a follower of your blog (:
Added "win this print" button on my blog at http://manniemandiblenews.blogspot.com
I loove Things You Can Trust in her shop!
What gorgeous artwork!
Bearly Time To Scrap
tweet tweet!
I twittered this awesome giveaway!
Bearly Time To Scrap
I love this:
because I can see the movement of a bicycle in the pic. Terrific.
i love the "Pick One, You Know Which" picture with the skeleton keys. like the artist... i think there is something terribly romantic about skeleton keys. this would go PERFEFCTLY in our bedroom :D
I love the old sailing ships like her 'anywhere with you, too' painting. THey are such majestic vessels of the sea; so romantic with their full sails and beautifully carved prows....if I win I'd like the feather drifter ship....nice color.
I just subscribed (I was subscribed before but changed server so had to redo it)
I love Sarah's style! So whimsical and wispy. Her artwork would look great in almost any room in my house! I love both the prints you are giving away, and also really like Antlers and Golden Sails Will Get You There. Thanks for telling us about this lovely artist!
Hi Everyone your generous comments are so inspiring!
I just wanted to say thank you for the great response and I am so glad to be doing this give away!
I LOVE the Things You Can Trust painting.
Your main button is on my sidebar.
I love Gorgeous Fortune - not only because it's a beautiful painting, but the message is so beautiful.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the paper ship, it reminds me of times spent on a ship with someone dear to me.
Kimberlie Cruse
Kimberlie Cruse
I'm a subscriber. I loved the "An Owl and a Peacock one!
Your art is amazing! I love Antlers! Big Shell Study and Little Song Number 7-Sea Shell Study reminds me of the book Duma Key. :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
I love the little red cello. So bright, cheery, and I love music so it fits me well!
I really love the Little Blue Deer. The very second I saw that I thought to myself I want that on my wall. It is really nice. Thank you!
I love paper ship - I have a little sailboat obsession and that paper design is so clever!
I love love love the deer one up for grabs, but i also like the Things You Can Trust unicorns and the An Owl and A Peacock print. Just beautiful! What a talented artist!
I'm a follower!
I've got your blog button on my sidebar! http://kraftypanda.blogspot.com
I love the Miss Magenta painting- i love elephants and think it would look so great in my bedroom.
My favorite is Gorgeous Fortune. I love the colors. It would look great in my room.
My fave is the Little Blue Deer because to me, it represents friendship and sisterhood.
Got your button here http://justanothernewblog.blogspot.com/.
I love wishes, it is fun & simple
I like the Things You Can Trust print.
I've posted your button on my sidebar.
I added the contest button on my sidebar. :)
Things you can trust is beautiful. My 4 yr old daughter picked it out right away, loves unicorns.
I love the Big Shell Study. It is beautiful.
I like the Gorgeous Fortune print!
Hello Vanessa here's the link of the tweet =) http://twitter.com/bikimiki
Hi, it's me I already subscribed to your blog!
I have to admit that my most FAV. is the deer one that she is giving away. I love it. Okay OKay why? Because I absolutely love animals!:D And I really like the ruler one... Because numbers and rulers are freaking awesome... I also really like the keys... They just... draw me to them. i love them. :D
Thanks for the chance! :D
It's me again =) here's the link on my blog http://bikimiki.blogspot.com/
Hey there! I blogged about it
you can comment on that blog post to let me know if I win! :D
I also put up the cute little picture!! Teehee. I love those deer. Too stinkin' cute! :D
you can comment on my blog to let me know if I win!
You'll see the little pic just under my header! :D
Little Blue Deer is my favourite- I love the colours!
I can't find anything more beautiful than the Feather Drifter Ship... it is amazing!
castawaycreations at gmail dot com
I like the Paper Ship! Why? It brings me to my husband and his writing on how he lets his thoughts wander aimlessly on paper as a ship setting sail.
I like the little song number shell picture-reminds me of vacation :)
I love Gorgeous Fortune. So pretty.
I love the Little Red Cello piece, a nice combination of bright and soothing. :)
Gorgeous Fortune. I love the thought behind it. It made me smile.
these are amazing but my fav has to be feather drifter.
these prints have inspirided me to get back into my work again.
I visited her shop, what beautiful artwork! I love the ship featured in the contest, as well as the one called 'love letter ship'
I adore the Love Letter ship, it would make such a wonderful Valentine's day present. The idea of being able to write your own messages on the artwork is such a beautiful idea. I love the sea of hearts at the bottom too.
I've subscribed :)
I really liked "Pick One, You Know Which".
Why? I just don't know. It said something to me. Know what I mean?
That how I usually shop, I wait for something to speak to me and it always works out well.
Of course, I really LOVE the little blue deer!!!
I love Miss Magenta. Gotta soft spot for elephants ;) Great giveaway!
Feather drifter is my fav from that shop. I added it to my etsy favorites!
Very Cute!! I added the mini to my blog in a gadget!! :]
I really like the Antlers. Thanks! So neat!
Wow, amazing artwork! I really like Little Blue Dear because it's very sweet and soft, but at the same time, I really like Tiny Gray Elephant because it's quite aggressive and dark, especially when I look at it after Little Blue Dear. I love the bold lines in Tiny Gray Elephant and the skeleton-esque colors.
(hapoom.zzz AT gmail DOT com)
I love the Big Shell Study. Great prints!
Only one? it´s so difficult!
Gold Elephant,i think.
I want participate from Spain, and i post you in my giveaway blog (sorteos y concursos).
My email is in my profile of the blog.
The deer and elephant prints are all stunning, besides the giveaway Little Blue Deer, I love the Tiny Gray Elephant! These animals are depicted with a charm and joy! Very amazing, I love the style.
I think my favorite is the Little Blue Deer PRINT 12x12. :) It's just so sweet and soft, and brings a smile to my face!
Beautiful work!
My favourite is the feather drifter ship, I love the colours and I am partial to peacock feathers.
I have your button on my sidebar
Great painting really like Anywhere with you
I really love the colors in Miss Magenta - I think that one and the little deer painting would complement each other so well on my wall! ;-) I love love love that you use different colors, I prefer that to paintings that are painstakingly realistic. Beautiful paintings!
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
Feather Drifter is my favorite. So beautiful!
Also, I just subscribed.
Wow, so many lovely pieces of art. I think my favorite would be Pink because it fits in the color scheme of my bedroom.
Thank you so much for your generous giveaway :) hurdler4eva(at)gmail(dot)com
my favorite is Wishes
it reminds me of childhood memories con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
I like the Tiny Gray Elephant. Thanks.
I subscribe.
Pick One, You Know Which. - is my favorite
pier7o@ yahoo .com
I really love the little blue deer print. It is perfect for the nursery I'm decorating right now! Wonderful work!!!
Michelle S.
Little blue deer! love it!
sunswirlgirl at aol dot com
Miss Magenta absolutely love it. She is so perfect. Colours are great and truly compliment each other. It is so different and individual. I could look at it all day.
I love the print Things You Can Trust -- so pretty!
I absolutely love "Feather Drifter Ship Print 6x6" because it is so amazing! The colors are brilliant and it's just a great print. With the ship, it almost feels like I'm drifting away from everything.
jess^^^4002 [at] gmail [dot] com
(without the ^^^)
I like Gorgeous Fortune, something about the colors and the flowers are very appealling.
I love the Big Shell Study! They are all quite lovely and would have many things to say to you through the years!
I love the big shell study
I like this original oil painting, because, yes, it is perfect for a child's room! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9767609
I have also subscribed to your blog!
I will be blogging about it tomorrow, February 17th!
I also added the contest button to my blog sidebar. Thanks for this great giveaway!
I love the GOLDEN ELEPHANT because I collect elephants and my house is decorated in lots of gold. JeansandTs@hotmail.com
I like the white goat because it would go with the color scheme in my home
Absolutely gorgeous! I love this piece, it caught my eye right away. I love deer. My nickname is Bambi ;) Thanks so much!
I also like the Little Red Cello piece. She's super talented!
I subscribe to your RSS via Yahoo.
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I like gorgeous fortune
the fish lprint
I love Miss Magenta! What great color and who doesn't love a "pink elephant"??? I also really like Little Red Cello!
I posted the "Win This Print" button on my blog, right sidebar.
I tweeted this giveaway!
I love the pink pearly cello. I play the cello and it's great to see fun, sassy artwork.
I blogged today about both of your fabulous giveaways!
I love this print http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=17457866
Wow!! Feather Drifter is great!
Your contest is now listed in the contest directory ContestHub.net . Here is the link to my blog post.
Cheers, Contest Hub.
I like An Owl and A Peacock because the little saying is just adorable and leaves me smiling. All her works are just wonderful, really!
I'm a subscriber
And yes, I will post your button to try and win this art piece!
GOLD ELEPHANT for good Luck
Nice shop
Thanks for the giveaway
Miss Magenta is my favorite. I didn't have to look hard to find the one that popped out at me the most.
When I was little I LOVED going to the zoo to look at the elephants. I find them so majestic, so a magenta elephant kind of fits right into that.
like the ship
The Feather Drifter Ship Print is my favorite, but I also love Miss Magenta :)
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
I love 'Golden Sails Will Get you There'. I like the colours and the feeling of movement.
smithpoodle1977 [AT] aol [DOT] com
smithpoodle1977 [AT] aol [DOT] com
i'm in love with the red cello...and pretty much everything else in the shop!!!!
lizzie rose
oh, i tweeted too!
Wow, so many beautiful works to choose from! I think one of my favorites is the Little Red Cello. Stunning!
I like the Little Storm Ship, but the Feather Drifter Ship is my favourite. The ship art inspires my imagination to think of the story within the art. Thanks for the giveaway. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca
I love miss magenta the colors are so wonderfully bright and cheery!
I love the owl and the peacock.
I love the Little Lost Blue aka Juicy Little Story. The story is very funny, but the detail and emotion that is captured in the elephants face/eye is simply amazing to me. Thanks!
I really like early morning thoughts! I like striped shirts, and also circles.
I really like the Big Shell Study painting - it is so very peaceful!
The ship painting makes me think of my dad so I really like it. But I also like the cosmic tiger because it captures so well the movement big cats make.
I like Pink Pearly Cello!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/wastebasket/statuses/1229627038
I love the loveletter ship
I love http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=20814357 Or Miss Magenta in English!
the coulours are fantastic.
I like lots of them, especially the elephants, but my very favourite is One to Eight. Such an interesting idea for a painting and would look lovely in a child's room :)
Jane (sodapop9@hotmail.co.uk)
I love the contrast of colours: the purity of blue against the darkness of the background. It invokes memories of close people who cared for me..
I also love the Wishes paint because is simplicity is very expressive and highlights the passage of time and the need to grasp every moment of happiness.
Sorry just forgot to add that I meant 'Little Blue Deer' by my first comment..
I like Tiny Grey Elephants. We are conservative Republicans, my husband collect elephants and this would go perfectly in his office.
oh Well. Love Letters is my fav. Like the colours and looks interesting.
I subscribe.
I Love the Miss Magenta Painting :)
I don't have a blog but I am on Deviantart and I did a journal on this giveaway here http://scarlet-dragonfly.deviantart.com/
I love Things You Can Trust. I am Wiccan and know magic is real and the unicorns are so beautiful, it really made my heart sing when I looked at the picture.
I don't have a blog but if I did I would have added your url =)
I love Little Lost Blue aka Juicy Little Story! It's a gorgeous painting, ive always loved elephants and i think this would look beautiful on any wall. Nice to know it has a bit of history too hehe
Here is my tweet
froggerlaw I entered to win a Sara Cruse print. You've got to see it! http://tinyurl.com/derdxh
I love Feather Drifter Ship best. I have a lot of stress and grief in my life and looking at this painting just makes it all go away. I can easily imagine myself on that ship, escaping everything. It takes me away to somewhere better whenever I look at it and I would just love it to sit on the wall in front of my desk so that it's always there when I need an escape. I would love to win. xx
i like the One to Eight .
Simple ,lovely
Gorgeous Fortune is my favorite.
I really liked the paper ship. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
Beautiful Art! And a fun give-away!
I lOVE "Miss Magenta"! Purple is my favorite color and the elephant is soooo cool!
My favorite is Gorgeous Fortune,its beautiful,the colors and the meaning behind is even better, This is truely a gift.
I like the Things you can trust print
i love the Little Blue Deer PRINT 12x12
I like Feather Drifter.
All Prints are nice.
Good Luck to ALL
Wish on a Pink Pearl is my fave.
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