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Check out The Body Shop's Blog for more up to date information about their products.
Who? This giveaway is open to everyone- bloggers and non-bloggers, U.S. or non U.S. residents. The more the merrier!
What? Win a prize pack from The Body Shop. The prize will be determined by The Body Shop and how the winner answers the quiz (see below).
When? Sunday, April 26th - Sunday, May 10th. I will announce a winner on my blog on Monday, May 11th.
Where? Right here.
Why? Because who doesn't love awesome products from The Body Shop!?
How? Let me tell you how you can win...
1. Visit The Body Shop and take the "What Type of Mom is Yours" quiz, come back here and report the answer (and any fun stories you might have about your mom).
For Additional Entries:
2. Blog about this contest in your blog and come back here and leave an additional comment with the link.
3. Subscribe to my blog or follow my blog and come back here and leave an additional comment that you have subscribed/followed.
4. Add my blog button to your sidebar (just copy and paste the code you see in my sidebar) and come back here and leave an additional comment with your blog link.
5. Follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway, come back here and leave an additional comment with your twitter link.
6. Fave my blog on technorati and come back here and leave an additional comment that you did so.
Do this by May 10th and you are in! A winner will be picked randomly. Please make sure that you leave a way for us to contact you or The Body Shop won't be able to get this fabulous prize to you.
This giveaway is included in the Ultimate Blog Carnival Spring 2009. For more great giveaways click here:

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»realitybbq*AT*gmail*DOT*com
My mom has passed, but I am an Earth Mother.
Thank you!
I'm a follower on Blogger. :) Thank you!
I'm a follower on Twitter and I tweeted: http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/status/1621391820
Thank you!
I faved you on Technorati - Spamgirl. Thank you!
My mom is a Wise Woman!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted:
My mom is a Wise Woman ~ but I knew that already :)
I follow and I tweet.
Thanks for sharing!
My mom is definitely a super mom - always trying to do too much and doesn't know how to say no!
My mom is a Wise Woman
as am I it turns out!
Thanks for this wonderful giveaway
I subscribe via Google Reader!
I'm now following you on Twitter
greeeneyedwhwomhttp://designsbyvanessa.blo... Win a great Body Shop Giveaway! What kind of mom do you have?
What a sweet and fun quiz. My mom is SUPERMOM,yes mom you are!!!She would enjoy pampering products for her busy day and i agree..Love the Body Shop:)
I am a subscriber
My mom is a 'wise woman", which is totally true! She's been through cancer and chemo, divorce, all kinds of issues and she's a strong, wonderful woman. I can only hope I earn the same amount of respect from my daughter! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a subscriber!
my mom is super mom
sherrygo@rocketmail dot com
blogged http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com/2009/04/body-shop-giveaway.html
sherrygo at rocketmail dot com
I follow you on twitter and tweeted this giveaway!
button right bar http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com
sherrygo@ rocketmail dot com
I follow blogger
My mom is a SUPERMOM. And rightly so. when my dad lost lots of his own projects, my mom took over the reins, even providing allowance for my dad and siblings. She has tried her hand in soapmaking, salted egg making, selling nutritional supplements, real estate brokering, and a whole slew of other odd jobs, in addition to her dayjob. hope i get this, my mom really deserves a treat.
I;m following your blog.
My Mum's a Wise woman....wait....I already knew that!! lol
My mom is a "supermom", although I can't remember the last time she cooked...
I subscribe
My mom's a "Super Mom!"
I came up with the Wise Woman for mom.
Blogged here:
Twitter follower and tweeted:
My Mom is a Super Mom, always on the go. She loved to shop and to eat at restaurants.
Added to Technorati favs.
Both my mom and I are WISE.
I loved when she used to bring us for picnics. Sweet times.
I am an email subscriber.
wise woman, always was.
My mom is a Super Mom. She is indeed
My mom is a Wise Woman
I'm a follower on blogger
My Mom is Super Mom!! :)purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
I subscribed via e-mail! :)purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
My mom is Supermom which has always been the case all my life.
Blogged also! http://treasuredgiveaways.blogspot.com/2009/04/mothers-day-body-shop.html
I subscribe via email.
I have your cute button up in my sidebar! http://treasuredgiveaways.blogspot.com/
Following on Twitter & tweeted!http://twitter.com/luvscontests/status/1625699933
Faved you at Technorati! Username: digifreebiegirl
My mom is a glamour mom! I am not surprised, she always looks her trendiest at all times, even when scrubbing the bathroom floor. (wait until you see her trendy, good looking mops, kitchen pans, etc and you'll see what I mean!)
I am a subscriber to your blog!
My mom is a Supermom!! I'm not surprised by this result at all. She is truly one amazing mom!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I became a follower.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I lost my dear mom years ago but I should have known that she was and still would be a Wise Woman. Thank you so much for the chance to know my mom again!
I'm a subscriber.
I follow on Twitter and tweeted
My mum is a wise woman of course. Mothers day has passed here, but it's her birthday next month and she derserves some goodies, especially for taking care of me and my sis while we go exam crazy.
I follow your blog!
Loved the Quiz what a nice giveaway!
My Mom is an Earth Mother, friend to all living things.
My mom is the supermom...always on the go! I don't think she stops at all. Just today she managed to do the grocery store, target, the mall, dollar tree and made a roast, mashed potatoes, biscuits, veggies and gravy!
subscribing with yzgirl4 at verizon dot net
I added you to my favorites on tecnorati!
I am subscribed by email and a follower.
My mom is a wise woman!!!!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
have your button!
my mom is a wise women!! ahha i oculd have guessed that would be her!!
i just added your button for good measure.
Check out my blog at http://lagalagnaengkantada.blogspot.com/2009/04/my-supermom.html
I am a wise woman. I'm not sharing my spa giveaway with my mom. She already has it all in sunny Florida. I NEED the pampering! LOL.
My mom is a wise woman, how true!
I'm following .. already a subscriber
Following (henglish)
Added to Technorati favorites (henglish)
My mom is "Supermom" which is true considering everything she does for her grandkids.
I'm a subscriber!
My mom was the supermom,she cant do what she used to do,her birthday is this week an she will be 79,shes not as spunky as she used to be ,an I miss that.
I am a subscriber
My mom is a wise woman.
I have your blog button.
Following and tweeted.
My mommy is a Wise Woman.
I have a Supermom!
My mother is a Wise Woman.
My mum is a Super Mom and I'm glad she is. XD
My mom's a SuperMom!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
My mom is a Wise Woman - no surprise there.
My mom is a "wise woman" :)
I follow :)
I have your button :)
kilrhill*AT*gmail*DOT* com
Earth Mother and it isn't a surprise!
My mom is a Super Mom! Yay!
My mom is a "wise woman". ~ :) Fun!
This is soo cool - my mum has been away for the past month but she will be back in time to celebrate Mother's day
My mum is Supermom! She's the only person I know that can juggle 3 things at once!!
My mom is a Wise Woman.
And she would love the body shop goodies! :)
my mum was a wise woman
but i could have told you that anyway.............
my mama is a wise woman-I would say that is true for sure!
My mom is a wise woman. I would say that is right on the money. You can't sneak anything past her. When we were kids, she'd know exactly what we were up to before we even did!
My mom is a wise woman.
My mom is an Earth Mother. Great giveaway, thanks!
My mom is a wise woman.
My Mum was Superwoman, someone I aim to aspire to. But when she had my niece and her boyfiend for lunch trying to be a cool grandma she served Pizza for lunch, WITH GRAVY!!!
She also had an endowment policy payout and told us she had share in BUM - US Butt(IBM)and MI5 MFI. The best of the lot was when she told me nieces Boyfriend was promoted and had a company BMX (BMW)
My Mum was Superwoman, someone I aim to aspire to. But when she had my niece and her boyfiend for lunch trying to be a cool grandma she served Pizza for lunch, WITH GRAVY!!!
She also had an endowment policy payout and told us she had share in BUM - US Butt(IBM)and MI5 MFI. The best of the lot was when she told me nieces Boyfriend was promoted and had a company BMX (BMW)
my mom is a supermom, and boy is that true!
What a great deal. Takeing care of mom is always special.
My mom is not in my life.I too the quiz fo myself and am an Earth Mother.Thanks!
She's earth mother and I knew it because she's always in her garden:)
Thank you for the chance to win those fab things to her!
I subscribed too:)
My mom is a "wise woman"... but I already knew that! :)))
She is in the mental health business and she does counseling. I've always been proud of her!
I blogged about your giveaway: http://atozgiveaways.blogspot.com/2009/04/body-shop-mothers-day-giveaway.html
I added your button to my sidebar: http://atozgiveaways.blogspot.com
I'm a follower.
I tweet'd your giveaway. https://twitter.com/MommyAmy
My mom's an "Earth Mother." And that does fit her. Just consider we lived on a boat until I was 10 and then in the mountains after that. She doesn't like big cities or crowds.
ecaria at hotmail dot com
My mom and I are both Earth Mothers.
Thank you for entering my blog contest of a free hypnosis CD, I am now following your blog =)
I completed the quiz and my mom is a Wise mom! Thanks for this contest!
I'm following you on twitter and I tweeted about the giveaway.
my mom is a wise woman, which is totally true!
pookielocks at ymail dot com
following you!
your button is in my scrolling blogroll!
My mom is gone but I am a Wise Woman.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My mom is wisewoman. She is a bundle of contradictions. She is about gardening, pottery and making everything from scratch but she is also an upper management career woman.
my mom is a supermom, but i think when it comes to her skin she would be more of an earth mama - the more natural the better.
my mom is a "wise woman" she's also got a wise crack for everyone! lol
mpelosi at partners dot org
I blogged about this contest here:
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com
Earth mom, definitely. She's so naturally beautiful =D
I follow
Wise woman.... but I already new that ;)
Wise woman-not wise by degrees or education but definately wise by life experience.
flyergal82 at yahoo dot com
My Mom (was) a Wise Woman. She has been gone many years now, but it was fun remembering her by taking this quiz. Thanks.
You're in my Technorati Favs. My ID is amylou61
My mom is a Wise Woman!
My mom is my best friend.
Couldn't ask for a better mom!
Following you on twitter,
Tweeted the giveaway
I follow your blog!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com
My mom is a super mom (aren't they all?). She never fails to amaze me as I am slowly discovering for myself the challenges of being a mother!
My Mom is a "Super Mom!" {She really is!}
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com
I have your button on my blog!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com
I twittered here:
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com
My Mom is a Super Mom!
RobertBowenSmith {at} hotmail dot com
My mom is a "wise woman"
I'm following - your blog is great and I'm jealous!
My mom is "supermom". that's sooooooo true of her!
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
My mom is a wise woman, and it's true - she does deserve some pampering. She's finally going on a vacation to Hawaii, which is probably the first real vacation she's taken the time for in her life!
I don't want to brag (OK, so maybe I do), but my mom's a Supermom.
The quiz said that my mom is a super mom, but of course I already knew that :D
I like the relax and restore set from the body shop... it looks like a nice gift
My Mom is the Wise Mom.... it so described her. But she is gone as of last September.
Thanks for the chance to win.
prpldy (at) comcast.net
I follow your blog publicly
prpldy (at) comcast.net
I took the quiz, and it says my mom is a "Wise Woman", which is very true.
I have always been very close to my mom, she is an amazing woman. I now live 2000 miles away from her and I miss her terribly.
I am now following your blog :) raevyn77@gmail.com
At 80 years old my mom is STILL the wise woman, as she always was. I wish her health and love, and I hope to win this giveaway and share it with her!
wint_am at yahoo dot com
my mom is "the wise woman". she is gonna love to here about this one.
My Mother has been gone for over twenty years but I am Supermom
I am a subscriber.
What a fun Quiz! My Mom is a Super Mom On the Go, and they got that right! My mother is like the energizer bunny, she keeps going and going and has such a large circle of friends we call her the social butterfly of the family! She is 54 years old and she has the frame of mind like a 25 year old, and she's the best! My Dad is so laid back we call him Mr. Mellow but together they are a dynamic duo! My Mother needs to take some time off from running around and pamper herself and this would be an unexpected surprise for her! Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter!
Email subscriber and Blog follower
Twitter follower and twittered!
my mom is sophisticated
i subscribe via email
i follow you on twitter
My mom is a wise woman. I follow you on twitter and your blog which I'm sure she would agree was a wise thing.
geri.durant at gmail.com
My mom is Supermom
my momma is an Earth Mom! ...sounds more like me though! :)
My mom is a wise woman
"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:
I am an email subscriber
"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:
My mom is an Earth Mother. Yup ... that's what she is. She loves nature very much.
I'm glad she's an Earth Mother and I wanna be one too.
I blog at Win Body Shop Giveaway
I'm an e-mail subscriber.
Added your button at the sidebar of Its Free Lol
Following you on twitter and tweeted at LiliBlossom
Took the quiz...my mommie is a Wise Woman!
Another comment....I have begun to "follow" your blog! My username is TealStripes. :)
I work as a nanny for a mom and she is fabulous. Totally a super mom. I'd love to be able to gift her this mother's day!
My mom is a Supermom-that sounds about right! thanks!
I tweeted!
My mom is the 'wise woman'. I took the quiz for myself and I am too! I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
ebickell (at) hotmail (dot) com
I blogged here:
my mom is supermom!
My Mum is a 'wise woman' - couldn't agree with that more. She definitely used to have all the answers and was always taking care of others before herself.
She's not here anymore but I will never forget her carrying her seceteurs in her handbag to 'rescue' some little sapling or get a cutting when we were out. She really took the biscuit the day she sat on the wall outside the police station and oh so caaaaasually leaned back and snipped some cuttings off of their bushes! LOL! Oh dear - she was incorrigable - I really miss her. Thanks for the test though, it's made me chuckle remembering that day.
Above should read ' couldn't agree MORE' Doh!
My mom is a Wise Woman!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Faved on Technorati - janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My mom is 'Supermom' and boy, is that ever true! We always joked that my mom could hear us drop a t-shirt on the floor from downstairs. My dad lovingly refers to her as 'The White Tornado' because everything has to be perfect at all times! I ADORE HER and I hope I'm half as good of a mom to my 3 kids!
-SedonaShots on Etsy
I follow this blog!
I have your button!
My mom is a supermom,But I didn't need no quiz to tell me that as she tells me it everyday!
My mom is Supermom
Faved (gkstratos)
Wise Mum,
this is very true of my mum, she's the best i just wish she was still with me.
my mom's a wise woman...and she definitely is! thanks
My mom is SUPERMOM, DUH...
and of course I subscribe!
my mom is a wise woman! So true!!
My mom is a "Wise Woman". What a fun quiz! It's really fun to think about my mom and how special she is!
Following. Just added you to my RSS feed!
My mom is a wise woman...And she is using Body Shop's product as they suggest!!:)
Thank you so much!I have a giveaway,too on my blog!
I'm a SUPERMOM!! that's what the quiz says and thats what my five year old says! lol
Mine is a wise woman!
I don't have a mom anymore so I answered for myself....earth mother!! I have to say that my Mom was also an earth mother...very basic and down to earth. The only makeup she ever wore was lipstick on special occasions!
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