I'm excited to announce that The Body Shop is generously giving away an awesome tea tree prize pack to one of my lucky readers. The Body Shop recently revamped their line of Tea Tree products (all paraben & phthalate free!) and they are celebrating with a sale - 2 for $18! I'm a huge fan of tea tree because it is a natural option for blemishes and breakouts. Keep reading to find out how to win this fabulous prize.
Who? This giveaway is open to everyone- bloggers and non-bloggers, U.S. or non U.S. residents. The more the merrier!
What? Win the following Tea Tree products from The Body Shop (valued at over $100):

Tea Tree Oil & Tea Tree Concealer

Tea Tree Facial Wash & Tea Tree Lotion

Tea Tree Toner & Tea Tree Night Lotion

Where? Right here.
Why? Because who doesn't love awesome products from The Body Shop?!
How? Let me tell you how you can win...
1. Visit The Body Shop's Tea Tree line and pick out your fave item(s), come back here and post a comment about why you like it so much.
For Additional Entries:
2. Blog about this contest in your blog and come back here and leave an additional comment with the link.
3. Subscribe to my blog or follow my blog and come back here and leave an additional comment that you have subscribed/followed.
4. Add my blog button to your sidebar (just copy and paste the code you see in my sidebar) and come back here and leave an additional comment with your blog link.
5. Follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway, come back here and leave an additional comment with your twitter id.
6. Become a fan of Designs by Vanessa on facebook, come back here and leave an additional comment that you did so.

7. Fave my blog on technorati and come back here and leave an additional comment that you did so.
Do this by August 29th and you are in! A winner will be picked randomly. Please make sure that you leave a way for us to contact you or we won't be able to get this fabulous prize to you. Winners who I am unable to contact and who don't respond within 48 hours of being sent their winning email notification will forfeit their prize and I will draw another name.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 280 Newer› Newest»Seriously? Paraben free products?!? As someone with major allergies, I don't have a facewash.... so I would love to be able to try the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash. It is actually OK for me - none of the allergens in it!
Blogged at http://disneyprincessc.blogspot.com/
I'm a follower - can you tell I really want this?
Would love to get this for my son:
Tea Tree Blemish Gel
I have favorited you on technorati
Tea Tree Blotting Tissues. I tend to get pretty oily around my nose, so those would be nice.
I follow your blog
I LOVE The Body Shop's Tea Tree line! I use the foaming cleanser daily and the scrub weekly and it does a great job on my normal-to-oily skin. (Really oily when it gets hot outside.) In fact, it's about time I stocked up again.
I'm now a follower. :)
tweet! (muse2323) here's the tweet, and yes, I'm following you. http://twitter.com/muse2323/statuses/3149431888
Woo! What a great giveaway, thank you!
I am a newish follower and I love it... you always post the cutest things!
I used the Tea Tree Blemish Gel a few years ago and have been meaning to buy more... it worked WONDERS.
I've always used tea tree as an acne treatment. The blemish gel looks like a great product because it will stay put much better than pure essential oils.
I like the Tea Tree Face Mask. amsbolda@hotmail.com
follow on twitter and tweeted. amsbolda@hotmail.com
I love love love love love the Exfoliating Wash because it has lemon tea tree and Community Trade tea tree oil from Kenya that contains anti-bacterial properties! I also love how all the ingredients are natural!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
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CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
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CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
The Tea Tree Blotting Tissues sound great!
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I faved you on Technorati - barbarawr
I like the Face Mask and Blotting Tissues!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I am an e-mail subscriber.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I'm a follower and this is a realy nice giveaway!!!
I would like to try the Tea Tree Facial Wash
The Tea Tree Blemish Gel sounds great and I like that the container is small to carry in my purse.
Elaine R
Elaine R
I love Tea Tree and enjoy its strong medicinal scent!! I think all of these new products sound great and i am looking forward to trying them out.
I think that the Tea Tree Blotting Tissues sound awesome for traveling in your purse and convenient when your face needs a little refreshed and to control the shine;)
I am a subscriber
My fav is the Blemish Fade Night Lotion - love the idea of a NON-OILY product that improves the appearance and moisturizes my skin while I sleep.
I subscribe to your blog.
I am a fan of Designs by Vanessa on Facebook.
My fave is Moroccan Rose Bath & Massage Oil because I would like to have the Moroccan experience, I could almost smell the fragrance. I know Body Shop offers the best ... Moroccan Rose Bath & Massage Oil will give me soft skin and lovely smell.
I subscribed
I tweeted.
I'm a fan of Vanessa on Facebook - Lailiah binti Harun
I like the Tea Tree
Skin Clearing Toner.
jswandrn @ gmail.com
The Tea Tree Blemish Gel looks like a great product and I would love to give it a try on my stubborn breakouts!
I am an email subscriber!
What a brilliant line the Body Shop has in this Tea Tree Line!
I've been using Tea Tree oil for a while now for various reasons!
I would just love to try the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Exfoliating Wash
(in Canada)
I am following on twitter and tweeted-http://twitter.com/DanielleLo/status/3160013492
I Became a fan of Designs by Vanessa on facebook!
Follow you on Twitter (greeeneyedwhwom)
(in Canada)
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Anne Taylor, annectaylor1 (new username)
(in Canada)
I love their Honey & Oat 3-in-1 Scrub Mask. After using it, it makes my face feel soft and moisturized.
I subscribed
I like the Tea Tree Blackhead Exfoliating Wash. It looks like a good, gentle exfoliator.
Thanks for the chance!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I'm suscribed
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I love Tea Tree Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser. My face is prone to have blemish every month and blackheads too!
alohamolly [at] gmail [dot] com
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alohamolly [at] gmail [dot] com
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alohamolly [at] gmail [dot] com
I love how my skin feels after using the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Exfoliating Wash. So clean & soft & smells great too.
I like Tea Tree Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
blogged http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com/2009/08/bodyshop-tea-tree-giveaway.html
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
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button at http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com
For me it would be the Tea Tree Night Lotion since it fades blemishes as you sleep
I now follow your blog, but would like to see how to get you as an rrs feed to my reader.
I tweeted to my friends here http://twitter.com/fcffollower/statuses/3162872660
I have used some of these products and really like them! I was worried I would be allergic to them but they are very gentle. I love the nose mask and the face cleansers, I would love to try the body wash! :)
im already a follower...
i rather like the night lotion & the concealer from the tea tree line..
i blogged about it HERE
im already your follower
im already your facebook fan!
i really like the Tea Tree Face Mask, i have oily skin and this would be perfect for me.
i subscribed!
im also a facebook fan! Anna Frolova
I would love to try the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion because I seem to develop new blemishes overnight.
I follow your blog.
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irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
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I'm a facebook fan (Niña Sagarbarria)
I like the Tea Tree Blemish Gel
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
technorati fave
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I love the Tea Tree Blotting Tissues. You can use it anytime and any place.
I'd like to try the Blemish Fade night cream. Seems that is the only regimen I could stick to. As I age, my skin has changed and is looking worse. I would hope that his product would lessen the redness and age spots that are appearing.
My favourite product is the Blemish Stick. It always helps to clear up my spots. :)
I blogged about it http://icecoldlilywrites.blogspot.com/2009/08/guess-what.html
I follow your blog :)
My favorite is the Skin Clearing Lotion. My face is oily and this sounds like it would be great to help control that.
my tea trea favorite items are:
tea tree concealer
tea tree oil!
tea tree mask!
i love it cause they smells nice.i love the smell of tea tree!and the oil really works!!!!
here is my blog post :
followed and subscribed
posted your blog at the side bar.
I love the Tea Tree Blackhead Exfoliating Wash. I love that it's specially formulated to help unclog pores and also help prevent new blemishes from forming.
jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com
I'm an email subscriber.
jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com
I faved you (jenbutterfly).
Oh My Vanessa, you seem to have gone into Tea Tree Oil in a big way, hope it helps, I know its pretty big in New Zealand. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx
I would love to try the facial toner. I know tea tree is really good for your skin!
blogged ya here http://aponderingheart.com/blog/?page_id=311
I followed your blog!
tweeted at you @aponderingheart
Love love love the tea tree cleanser!
is it obvious that i want this?lol
please enter me,i'm a new follower :)
The products I love the most from the Body Shop are exactly the ones from this givaway. The blemish gel, the cleanser and the face lotion...they're awesome. Why? Because they are effective!!! I love the blemish gel, especially.
Here, I subscribed to your blog, obviously!
http://aliceinwonderland348.blogspot.com/2009/08/and-yes-another-fabulous-giveaway.html here is my post on this giveaway!!!
follow you on twitter now
and I'm now a fan of yours on facebook too! hope I win!!!
I posted a link on my blog and i'm following now aswell :)
i love tea tree!! i have a very oily t zone and ALL of their products are amazing of my type skin and they also keep away pesky spots and blackheads:)
I like the Blemish Fade Night Lotion, as I have some old acne scars to get rid of
I blogged http://sparkledbeauty.blogspot.com/2009/08/body-shop-tea-tree.html
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Fan on facebook
The facial washes are great! They don't irritate like other stuff does! I like all their stuff!
I'm a follower!!:)
I'm also following you on Twitter!
My fave item is the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion because it moisturizes while I sleep and controls oiliness.
member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com
member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com
Such a tough decision...there are so many choices! I believe my favorite is the Tea Tree Face Mask -- I really like trying new Facial Masks.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
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sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I am following you on Twitter (user name: Nelsby) AND I Tweeted about this giveaway: http://twitter.com/Nelsby/status/3168906111
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a Facebook fan (Aimee Waerhouse).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweet, Tweet.
I would most like to try the Tea Tree
Skin Clearing Exfoliating Wash. I've found tea tree oil products to be awesome for my skin, and an exfoliating option would be great!
urchiken at gmail dot com
I ♥♥♥ The Body Shop!!!
vanessa, thank you for haing this giveaway.. im doing my part now =)
(1) I'm an avid visitor of The Body Shop website, to check what's their new products.
I preferred to have "Tea Tree Blotting Tissue", since i have oily skin this will keep skin from looking shiny =) and "Tea Tree
Face Mask" for relieving my face on looking stressful =)
(2)i have already posted them on my blogger and multiply page.
at my blogger:
at my multiply:
dear, please do check =)
(3)dear, im your 319th follower ♥♥♥
(4)check my page, i have already added your blog button (upper right; right side)
(5)im your 1,039th follower on twitter (wow, you do have a lot of followers) http://twitter.com/rhainshoebox
I've been searching for a facial scrub for months, I'd love to try out the scrub weekly.
I love the Tea Tree Oil the best - in fact I use it every day and have it in my bathroom. I'd love to win this, as I already use the products!
I've been using Tea Tree Oil on my skin for years and I LOVE it! I'd really like to try the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
I'm a subscriber!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
I love the facial wash. I like that it's gentle enough for everyday use, and that should my kdis catch me using it and insist upon trying it out, it won't be too tough on their sensitive skin!
I subscribe!
Tea Tree
Blotting Tissues
Is interesting!
I follow your blog :)
I am a fan on facebook! (kim delatorre)
this is an awesome giveaway!
my favorite products in the tea tree collection of body shop are the following:
- Tea Tree Facial Wash
- Tea Tree Exfoliating Wash
- Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner
- Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion
- Tea Tree Blemish Gel
- Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion
here are my other entries:
subscribed: phinkness[at]gmail.com
twitter: janelleski
facebook: janelle c.
technorati: phinkness
blog link: http://contest-love.blogspot.com
blog entry: http://contest-love.blogspot.com/2009/08/body-shops-tea-tree-collection-giveaway.html
I think my favorites would probably be the Nettle Oil Balance Shampoo and the Conditioner as well because I have read how good nettle can be for your hair and would like to try it. It also contains honey and know that is good for your hair also.
I would love the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion because I've always thought that a product that fights skin irregularities as we sleep is awesome! :)
Subscribed! :D
I have your icon on my blog side bar now :D
I'm your fan in facebook! :)
Blogged! :)
Blogged at:
nice blog you have here. :)
While I don't get many blemishes, it would be nice to have the Tee Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion on hand.
I subscribe.
I like the Tea Tree Blemish Gel
becuase with two tweens this sure would come in handy. My daughter is always spazzing when she has a little breakout.
I am a subscriber by email
I'd love to try the blotting tissues!
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
Aside from paraben free...i would like to try tea tree mask...Sounds wonderful...
I would love to get the Tea Tree Blemish Gel for me because I am obsessed with clear skin and I do want to get rid of my blemishes. :(
I like the Tea Tree Skin Clearing
Exfoliating Wash.
faved on technorati: carogonza
My favorite is Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion, because it's not only can improve our skin but also moisturize while we sleep.
I followed you under 'xyyan' =)
I've became a fan on facebook under 'Dina Esty Xu'
i follow you on twitter and tweeted about this giveaway
my twitter id: http://twitter.com/DinaEstyXu
i blogged about your giveaway here:http://xyyan.blogspot.com/2009/08/body-shops-tea-tree-giveaway-by-vanessa.html
The Lip Gloss Dot in Candy Pink is my favorite. I love the color and the Passion fruit fragrance looks delicious ^^
Thanks a lot!
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
Facebook fan (Lilly Papers)
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
tea tree oil... paraben-free... what's not to like? the blemish stick sooo rocks!!!
xo muffin
I never tried any of these products. So i can not say what i would like about them. I can say i would honestly enjoy trying any of them. But i have found some that are sparked a twinkle in my eye.
Satsuma Perfume Oil
Neroli Jasmin Eau de Toilette
Aqua Lily Eau de Toilette
texaswaitress (at) gmail (dot) com
The Tea Tree Facial Mask!
I have always wanted to do a mask, I bet it would feel so good.
follow and tweeted:
Thanks for friending me on the Giveaway Bloggers Network! I was so excited to find out about this giveaway because the tea tree facial wash and exfoliant are what I'm currently using, I use it religiously every day and I have seen tremendous results in clearing my acne/oily skin! It's been a godsend for me. I haven't had the chance to try out other products from this line and I have always wanted to!
I am a follower!
I'm a Fan on Facebook, I hope you will become a fan of Ascending Butterfly too! (http://ascendingbutterflyblogspot.com)
I would love to try the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash. I like that it help prevent blemishes (which I seem to suffer from since I have gotten older)
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
Facebook fan - Belinda M
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I follow on twitter as Prairiebelle and tweeted
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
i like the grapefruit body butter!!!
faving you on technorati (meandbells)
blog follower
following your twitter here's a tweet
I love the Tea Tree Blotting Tissues! They're so convenient, you can take them anywhere so they're always on hand when you need them!
I follow on twitter & tweeted! http://twitter.com/amweeks/status/3247231866
I'm a facebook fan! (Annmarie DiPasqua Weeks)
The blackhead exfoliating wash sounds pretty fabulous... it's hard to find facial cleansers that are effective without being harsh and chemical-ly.
(I'm one of your followers!)
I love the Tea Tree Face Mask. Tee tree just feels so tingly clean, and a face mask always feels like a bit of pampering.
I have really sensitive skin, so these sound like just the perfect products for me!
I tweeted as @shrimpsalad {http://twitter.com/ShrimpSalad/status/3247842958}!
I subscribe to your blog!!!
I'm a Facebook fan {Lindsay Griffith}!
I've favorited you on Technorati as ShrimpSaladCircus - I SERIOUSLY want this set!!!
My favourite item is the Tea Tree
Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser because I use tea tree oil for my fish and it works beautifully, so I can imagine the success it would have with acne.
Link: http://www.thebodyshop-usa.com/bodyshop/browse/product_detail.jsp?productId=prod170252
Thank you!
I blogged your contest! http://www.cancontests.com/2009/08/contests-from-elsewhere-win-body-shop.html
Thank you!
I'm a follower on Blogger/Google Friend. :) Thank you!
I'm a follower on Twitter and I tweeted: http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/statuses/3254728792
Thank you!
I faved you on Technorati - Spamgirl. Thank you!
I would love to get some of the Tea Tree Blemish Gel for my teenage son.
I follow
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I follow on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/annedoggett/statuses/3255709995
I currently use the tea tree oil face scrub and its my favourite thing! Except mine has paraben in it! Its great to know they have eliminated that though because I wasn't going to purchase it anymore if it still had parabens.
My favorite is the skin clearing toner, because I have very difficult skin!
I'm, er, having trouble leaving a spot on my chin alone this evening, so I'm really eyeballing the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion. How nice it would be to dab some of that on and go to bed... :)
I'm now following you on Google Friend Connect.
I'm also following you on Twitter, and here's my tweet:
Facebook Fan (Melanie Sands)
This mask looks delightful!
I'm also a new follower of your blog!
when i started using the tea tree line i first chose my fav, the blemish stick. it worked so quickly and didn't leave a burning feeling!! i keep it in my on-the-go makeup bag for emergencies. now i use the cleanser, toner, and matte lotion instead of proactiv. (kelseymreid@hotmail.com)
I subscribed to you!
I really like the tea tree concealer, it can conceal, treat and prevent blemishes!
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