Friday, October 30, 2009

How To: Worms and Dirt Pudding

Halloween is almost here and I don't know about you but I'm getting super excited! There is actually a chill in the Arizona air right now and it is finally starting to feel fallish. Mr. Designs by Vanessa and I are headed to a Halloween party tonight (as Jon & Kate Plus 8) so I whipped up this super easy dessert to share.

The Equipment:
Mixing Bowl
Ziploc Freezer Bag
Mixing Spoon
Serving Bowl

The Ingredients:
Chocolate Jello Pudding (serves 6)
8oz Cool Whip Light
1 Package of Chocolate Oreo Cookies
Gummy Worms
Fat Free Milk

Step 1: Prepare the Jello pudding as directed on the box. I used fat free milk to cut down on the calories (the Oreos will have enough calories to go around).

Step 2: Chill your pudding in the refrigerator and start crumbling up those cookies. You can stick a few cookies in a ziploc bag and use a rolling pin (or your hands) to crush them. Kids love to help with this part.

Step 3: Mix in half of your crumbs and the full tub of cool whip into your pudding.

Step 4: Spoon into your serving dish (or you can keep the mixture in your mixing bowl) and top with the rest of your crumbs and gummy worms. It is difficult to tell how big the bowl is by the picture but this should serve around 10 people.

Step 5: Enjoy your worms and dirt! For birthday parties you can use a new flower pot as your serving bowl and add a fake flower to the top.

Add your Worms and Dirt Pudding photos to the Designs by Vanessa Tutorial Flickr Group.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Today my college had chocolate pudding with whipped cream and chocolate cake crumbs in the cafeteria--it just needed some worms. This is a yummy treat. =)

Have fun at your party. Please post pics of your costumes!

Karine said...

Thanks for the tutorial. Your pudding looks cute!

Grammatically Delicious Designs said...

I love this stuff. I used to make it for my older two all the time. I think I'll whip some up for the little ones tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder.

Stephanie said...

The more Oreo recipes out there...the better :) They are my FAVE ~ Thanks!

Kelly said...

Thanks for repice with pictures.It help me.

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