Friday, March 12, 2010

It's a BOY!!

In case if you haven't heard and you're not following me on twitter or facebook (hint, hint), we're having a BABY BOY!! I had a strong initial feeling that it was a boy but the girl dream really threw me off, now I understand why I was so indecisive about all things girl lol. It was the most incredible feeling when the tech announced that we're having boy, I was in complete awe and I fell more in love with this little guy (if that is even possible)! I can't put this feeling into words and I think if I tried I would end up a blubbering mess. It is just incredible to envision our lives with a son. Let's just say that I had a very difficult time falling asleep last night because I was so excited!

The ultrasound tech was amazing and answered all of my questions and really took the time to explain what she was looking for with every measurement, I wish every tech was like this! Everything is looking great but because our baby was being a bit stubborn and didn't want to give us a good profile shot, we might have to go back in a couple weeks. I could stare at that screen all day so I'm definitely not complaining!



Jennifer [Aspiring Fashionista] said...

Yay! Little boys are so much fun! Mr. Designs by Vanessa Jr. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Im so happy for you.I had girls but you know I always wanted a boy in between the two but I had a miscarriage so Im thinking maybe that was my boy.Have fun finding little boy things to cute LOL.I have fun thinking about it!!~~Becky

Anonymous said...


Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

Haha "Mr. Designs by Vanessa JR" might just stick! I love it!

Thanks ladies!!

Marianne & Clayton said...

Yay! Oh, as someone who has a little girl, all I can say is that I lust after the little golfing attire type stuff at Janie & Jack. Boy clothes have come soooo far in the past few years. What fun!

Nicole-Lynn said...

Very exciting! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Have you decided on any names?

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

I'm in love with Janie & Jack for little boys!!

I'm partial to Baby Kumquat because that's what I've been craving lol!

Leah said...

Congratulations, I have 3 little boys, (love them to bits!!)

Dena said...

I can't wait to see what you pick out for the nursery!

Teri said...

Congrats ~ A boy!!! Nothing but girls here. Is ok, love them all!

jc said...

Congratulations! Boys are equally adorable!

Nannieflash said...

Oh Vanessa, congratulations on your little boy, fabulous news and you can now plan is nursery in the right colours. Im so delighted for you, take care with love and hugs Shirleyxx

Lori said...

How fantastic!

I'll bet you get to see your little man at least once more. With both my kids I had to have a third trimester ultrasound just for check ups. So who knows? Maybe you'll have lots of screen time.

Kathy said...

Congratulations. I remember when I had my first ultrasound and just hearing my baby's heart beat brought me to tears. It's such a beautiful miracle. I too have a son (he's almost 13 now), but you never forget that moment or the feeling. Cherish it all.

Also congrats on being "Featured artist of the Month"! Off to do my post.

Bright blessings,

Kathy said...

Ooops...Sorry about the "feature artist" banner didn't change the code...heh!

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