Friday, August 15, 2008

The significance of a backpack...

I’m an adoption recruiter in the Central Texas area and I have the privilege of working with several children who are waiting for a forever family. We had our annual backpack drive for children in the foster care system today. Something so small as being able to pick out a brand new backpack is not something that these children take for granted. A teen boy who was with his adoptive family came by the backpack drive today to donate a brand new backpack. He told us that when he was in the foster care system that he was given a pink hand-me-down backpack to take to school and he had to color it black with a marker so that he wouldn’t be made fun of. I loved that this child felt that it was so important to come by and donate the backpack he never had. We will be letting children come and pick out their own backpack next weekend at a back to school party. I can’t wait!

One of the kiddos I’m working with really wants a lime green backpack with stars on it so I’m on the lookout for that! ;-)

***From August 15th - August 22nd, 25% of my proceeds from my Little Birdie Cards will go to buying school supplies and backpacks for children in the foster care system. ***


  1. You know, backpacks were really a big deal then. My parents always got me the cheap ones at Ames and I'd have to use them year in and year out.

    Now as an adult I have an awesome hiking back pack with a vinyl water holder and large straw threaded through it so I don't have to stop and take out a water bottle when I'm hiking.

    Looking back it doesn't seem important now, but its really funny how little things like a cool back pack matter when you are young and trying to fit in. It seems like such a simple life when you look at children, but it's still hard. I hope you find the lime green pack you are looking for :)

  2. the backpack is a huge deal!
    my son starts pre-k this fall and the buying of the backpack is his #1 priority, it's so significant!
    Good luck finding the lime green one - if I spot one I'll let you know!

  3. what a great opportunity. Wow - that must be a very emotional job. You're a good person to help out like that. I know people at work who have had kids at their house, waiting for those "forever" families. What a roller coaster of emotions!

  4. You do wonderful work, helping these children. Backpacks are a great idea for them.
    Thanks for participating!

  5. Thanks for sharing that quick story with us. It is so important to be reminded of how those little things really do make a big difference. I hope the drive goes well!

  6. I agree with Storybeader...what an emotional job! How wonderful, though, that you can help and contribute to such an important cause.
