Monday, September 22, 2008


After posting a picture of Sparkles awhile back, I just realized that I have not officially introduced you to our very spoiled furbabies.

Allow me to introduce you...

Name: Chyna

Breed: Maine Coone

Nicknames: Chyna Dolly, Princess, Dolly-Lama

Story: Chyna was the runt of her litter and was left behind by her mom. My husband got her from a friend of a friend and named her Chyna after the wrestler haha

Hobbies: Playing in the water, stealing mom's hair ties and putting them in water, playing with the laser pointer, chasing Sparkles around the house, eating, sleeping and being the princess of the house

Aspirations: To be featured on the front page of Cat Fancy one day!

Name: Sparkles

Breed: Domestic Shorthair

Nicknames: Sparkalina, Rolly Pollie, Monkey, Bunky (not sure why we call her this but we do lol)

Story: My husband's old apartment neighbors got a new puppy and left "Sparky" behind when they moved. I really don't know who could leave this very sweet furbaby behind to fend for herself but I'm glad that my husband found her and I renamed her "Sparkles"

Hobbies: Eating, sleeping in strange places, chasing Chyna around the house, playing with paper/ribbon/beads

Aspirations: To eat, sleep and break into mom's bead stash!


  1. Adorable! Thanks for introducing them. Now I'm feeling inspired to introduce my furbaby...

  2. Thank you for passing by my blog sweetie, what a pretty pretty kitten!

  3. So cute! I love the idea of the kitty breaking into the bead stash!

