Monday, September 1, 2008

Hello, my name is Vanessa, and I’m a shoe-a-holic!

I fully intended to walk into the shoe store today to buy a pair of running shoes to replace my old ones. As I walked into the store I was faced with a fork in the road- to the left were boring running shoes and to the right were beautiful pumps and sandals. What is a girl to do? My feet pulled me to the left but I was "just looking" because I was on a strict running shoe mission. I was so proud of myself for "just looking" as I admired how great the rows of pumps would look on my feet but not even stopping to try them on...that was until I saw these...

It was love at first sight! I thought, "I'll just try them on, no harm in trying them on". Needless to say, I now own some very cute Nina Doll shoes and no new running shoes.

My hubby: "Let's see your running shoes"

Me: "Did I say I was getting running shoes? Well I guess I could run in these if I had to"


  1. lol Those shoes are so cute! I love the fabric and the color. plus, the heel is a nice height; Maybe a little tall for running, but good for walking!

  2. so funny! I just a bought of pair of vintage shoes last night...not intending to buy anything!! You have inspired my next post. : )

  3. Those are cute shoes :oD much nicer than running shoes!

  4. These are so cute. I need a pair of gray pumps just like these.

    Where did you get them?
