Monday, September 8, 2008

Purple, Purple & More Purple!

The blog carnival topic for this month is to "pick your favorite color and show it in your work"...that's easy for me!

My favorite color is purple, some may call it an obsession. Growing up I had a purple room, literally my walls were painted lavender. In college, my microwave and television were purple and now that I'm married I've managed to slide in a few purple vases and throw pillows into our living room. :-) So, naturally I use a lot of purple in my designs. Here are just a few of my purple designs that can be found in my shop:

Click on the pics for more info.


  1. i looooove purple too! anything and everything!
    and all those items are beautiful!

  2. You jewelry is so pretty. Purple is my mom's favorite as well. My scraproom use to be my daughters bedroom and it has a deep purple carpet with purple and pink walls.

  3. I must say I like purple too. My bridesmaids wore a light purple at my wedding. Very cute jewelry!

  4. I don't use a lot of purple, but I love how it combines with other colors so well. Pretty things!

  5. Beautiful jewelry! I'm a purple addict myself :D
