Monday, November 10, 2008

We're Home!

The drive to Arizona was way wayyyyy too looooong but we're finally here! This was the very boring view from most of our drive...

Our furbabies actually did really well for the first half of the drive but I can't say that the special calming pheromone spray that we bought helped during the rest of the trip...they weren't happy kitties!

This is poor Sparkles hiding out in her pet case...

This is Chyna hiding out by my feet saying "are we there yet?"...

Back to unpacking but I promise I'll be back to blogging on a regular basis soon. Stay tuned for more giveaways!



  1. Welcome to Arizona neighbor!! Keep those little guys indoors. There's coyotes and other nasty varmits around these parts. :o

  2. amazing sweetie!!
    so exciting!!!
