Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Etsy Blogger Feature: SpottedCowSoaps

Ms. Moo of SpottedCowSoaps is this month's fabulous featured Etsy Blogger! This shop offers great homemade soap, crochet bath accessories, soy candles and more. Ms. Moo's products look yummy enough to eat! Let me just show you what I'm talking about...

Don't these look amazingly yummy?! The best part is that they won't go straight to your hips! Ms. Moo is offering free domestic shipping until 12/15/08.

Where you can find Ms. Moo's yummy bath products:

SpottedCowSoaps Etsy Shop

SpottedCowSoaps Blog



  1. Here I thought that was frozen yogurt. They look delicious!

  2. Mmm. That almost makes me want to get my mouth washed out with soap.

    Also, TAG, you're it!
 You've been tagged to share 7 random facts about yourself!

    See my site: for the rules.
