Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Valentine's Day

I've had my share of crappy Valentine's Days but any holiday that celebrates love with pink hearts can't be all that bad, right? I must say that since meeting my hubby, Valentine's Day has quickly become one of my favorite holidays. I now have another excuse to buy a cute outfit and shoes (as if I needed an excuse). My husband's b-day is the day before Valentine's Day and he always manages to plan something romantic for us. This year we'll be in Seattle for a quick weekend trip. The hubs has already made reservations at a romantic little Italian restaurant for V-day (what a good man!) but I'm clueless as to what I should plan for his b-day...any Seattleites out there?

What are your V-day plans?

V-day roses my hubby got me last year...

Don't forget to enter the Valentine's Day Giveaway that I'm hosting!



  1. Those are beautiful flowers! I love the Pink and purple together - gorgeous! Hubby must love you alot...

    My hubby and I will probably go away overnight on V-day, as the day before V-day is my birthday. We tend to do a big celebration...yeah me!


  2. Oh how nice! You have a sweety of a hubby! Enjoy the dinner....are you going to caio bella? I used to love that restaurant when we lived over there.
