Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Etsy Day!

April 24th has been declared as "Etsy Day"! That means that buyers, sellers or fans will be shouting "Etsy!" from the rooftops (or at least from blogs, twitter, etc.).

Still confused about what Etsy is? Etsy is a wonderful online community where you can buy and sell all things handmade. I explain Etsy to my friends as an Ebay for unique handmade items. Signing up for an Etsy account is totally free and you are not obligated to buy anything (but I promise you will want to).

Still not sure how to even say "Etsy"? "Etsy" is pronounced like "Betsy" with no B.

What are you waiting for? Start shouting! Or at least go browse the very unique and handmade items that Etsy has to offer.



  1. LOVE Etsy - I also describe it as an ebay for crafts :)

  2. I love etsy, stumbled across it by accident one day looking for a gift, and my sister and I have been hooked ever since. I think it's even less known over here in the uk so I try and recommend it whenever I can!

  3. Great post. Etsy rocks and so does your blog.

  4. Happy Etsy day to you too Vanessa!

  5. Thanks for the comments on my blog! No.2 is awesome!

  6. if your name is vanessa hi my name is vanessa ...just wanted to say hello:)
