Thursday, May 21, 2009

Interview With An Etsian: Meet Chelsea

I love talking to creative people, seeing the face behind the art and learning more about what inspires them. I've been wanting to interview fellow Etsians for awhile now and have decided to make this a regular series on my blog. So without further ado, meet the fabulous Chelsea and check out her awesome studio...
In a nutshell, tell us about yourself.
My Name is Chelsea Ling, and I live in Charlottetown, PEI, Canada (home of Anne of Green Gables and lots of potatoes!). I am married to a super fun guy and we have a son together named Jude.

Apart from crafting and creating, what do you do?
I am a stay at home mom, and that is my main focus.

What inspired you to open an Etsy shop?
I was originally a browser and occasional buyer on Etsy. When I was pregnant, I started scrapbooking and it has just evolved from there. People on message boards kept telling me to open an Etsy store when I would share my work, so I did!

What is your favorite creation in your shop?
Right now, I am really loving my reclaimed and painted mirrors.

Where else can we find you?
Everywhere! lol :)

Personal Blog -
Etsy Shopping Blog -
Facebook: Paper*Cakes

Describe your studio and what you like best about it.
My studio is in our spare bedroom. I have two desks - a small one for shipping and packing items, and a larger U shaped desk where my PC and workspace are. I store items on shelves all around the room - I love shelves! I have 10 thrifted and repainted shelves on my walls, in addition to a cabinet, shelving in the closet, and a newly added large book shelf which will have craft supplies on the top and my son's toys, books, and games on the bottom. I have a spinning paper rack that I got from a scrapbook store closeout, and I keep my 12x12 paper there. Usually, my studio is always a bit chaotic.. but I am working on it! There seems to be STUFF in every nook and cranny. I am definitely a hoarder, and it got really bad when I developed a love of thrifting. I'm always trying to think of new ways to organize, and putting more things on my walls.. it's definitely a process!

What is your favorite Etsy shop?
You know.. I honestly cannot nail down one single favorite!! I have so many.. but a few off the top of my head are prettylilthings, oneripepeach, janesays, lemontreestudio, amyhatch, jennysbakeshop, nicepackage. I have a lot of shops and items bookmarked in my favorites - I recommend that you go and browse them :)

List your favorite book, movie, song & website (other than Etsy of course).
I can't choose a favorite book of all time.. but I recently read The Book of Lost Things by John Connely and I loved it, you should all go out and get it! My favorite movie is Labyrinth with David Bowie - I have loved that movie since I was 2 years old. I can't choose a favorite song either (can you tell I am bad at this, lol), but I am really digging the new Yeah Yeah Yeah's album right now. My favorite website besides etsy would have to be a tie between flickr and twitter!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I honestly have no clue. I am so young, and so much has changed for me in my life just over the last couple of years. I have some long term goals and dreams.. but I just hope that I am happy in 10 years and have my friends and my family around me. I want to have some more children, I would really like a baby girl. Opening a boutique that sells vintage, handmade items, crafty supplies...and has craft classes is a major dream of mine too :)

What is your favorite birdie (as in species of bird)?
Swallow, they are so pretty!



  1. What a great interview! She is so sweet and I love her craft room...I have a thing about craft studios! :-)


  2. Nice interview, she's adorable! And lovely studio she has there (jealous!)

  3. Im not sure youd want to know about my craftroom its really quite full of all the goodies Ive bought over the last few years. Love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  4. Wonderful interview! I enjoyed getting to know her!

  5. Sweet interview..I adore Chelsea..she is so young and bright-eyed about the world around her. It is quite refreshing. I follow her on Twitter, her blog, her Facebook pages..and on Flickr. I post a lot of my crafts to her Flickr group as well and she is so sweet about featuring my works on her Flickr Friday series..Her son is a major cutie pie too! I look forward to more of your Etsian interviews in the future!

  6. That mirror is so fabulous! Great interview!

  7. Fantabulous interview Vanessa! I love Chelsea's bright cheery sparkly offerings too, and I'm also just a bit green about the gills over her studio. ;^) You have a lovely spot here in blogland too V! xoxo Andie
