Friday, June 26, 2009

I've Been Tagged

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. I've been tagged by Olive Street Studio and thought I would play along. I'm tagging all of my blog readers and anyone who wants to play a game of tag :)

What is your current obsession? If you couldn’t tell, I’m a little obsessed with anything bird related. Birdies are slowly taking over our home – inside (we have birdie soap in our bathroom) and out (our welcome mat says “Welcome Every Birdie”). Back when we lived in TX, a bird family built their nest right in front of our door every spring and would fly away with new babies. Because I’m homesick for TX, I wanted to find a way to bring TX to AZ and that was the start of my obsession.

What is your weirdest obsession? I wouldn’t call it an “obsession” but I have many quirks (that sounds nicer, right?) related to food. I love pickles…I mean looooove pickles and not just any brand will do, it has to be the brand with the little girl sticking her tongue out on the logo (does anyone know what I’m talking about?). My parents once gave me a jar of those pickles for my birthday…the perfect present!

What are you wearing today? I just got home from the gym so I’m wearing comfy black yoga pants and a grey t-shirt.

What’s for dinner? I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Hubby is feeling a little sick today so I’ll probably make soup of some sort.

What’s the last thing you bought? I bought a fabulous mustard color oversized purse (purses and shoes are my other obsessions).

What are you listening to right now? An Oprah rerun is on the TV.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I love coffee flavored ice cream…I could live off of this (and I'm not pregnant)!

What do you think of the person that tagged you? I love the Olive Street Studio is a mother/daughter team. They have gorgeous chenille quilts and baby items.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like to be? I would love to live in Spain but because it would be too far away from my family and friends, I would pick a home back in TX next to our birdie family.

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Anywhere with a beach!

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? Aside from my wedding dress, I really love my mustard color (apparently this color is a new obsession) cardigan.

What is your favorite magazine? I like Martha Stuart Living (she makes everything so pretty!).

If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? I would probably buy a cute pair of shoes.

Favorite artist/s? One of my faves is an artist I found on Etsy - Amy Giacomelli.

What’s your favorite season and why? I love summer. See HERE for my reasons.

Describe your personal style? I love all things girly and feminine but I also like to be comfortable. Now that it is summer, I’m a fan of cute summer dresses. I have a thing for bold colors (think Crayola’s “bold” colors). I detest wearing athletic shoes when I’m not working out and you will usually find me in pumps (something my hubby hates because I usually complain about my feet hurting if we walk a lot).

What are you going to do after this? I’m headed to the grocery store.

What are your favorite movies? Here are just a few in no particular order: Across the Universe, Garden State, Little Miss Sunshine, Moulin Rouge, American Beauty, Amelie, Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pride and Prejudice, I Am Sam, Grease and many more!

What inspires you? People, nature and anything really.

What music do you like this week? I’m loving the new DMB album.

What is your dream job? I thought I knew but now I’m not so sure. I think as long as my job allows me to be creative I will be happy.

If you could change something in the world to make it a better place, what would that be? I like Olive Street Studio’s answer – acceptance of those not like ourselves.

What do you have planned for tomorrow? Hopefully going to see My Sister’s Keeper.



  1. What are you wearing today? Jeans and a purple t-shirt and black sandals.

    What’s for dinner? Grilling out hamburgers.

    What’s the last thing you bought? Some old skeleton keys from an etsy seller, for a photo I would like to make.

    What are you listening to right now? The sound of me typing on the keyboard.

    What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookie dough!

    What do you think of the person that tagged you? I haven't been tagged I don't think.

    If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like to be? Chicago, the place I currently live in.

    If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? French Polynesia.

    What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? A black cotton dress.

    What is your favorite magazine? US Weekly.

    If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? 2 dresses.

    Favorite artist/s? Mattisse.

    What’s your favorite season and why? Fall, I like wearing sweaters.

    Describe your personal style? Fairly chic.

    What are you going to do after this? Blow-dry my hair.

    What are your favorite movies? Mulholland Drive, Wizard of Oz, Blue Velvet, Romancing the Stone, Dirty Dancing, Year of Living Dangerously, Night of the Living Dead, Terminator 2, Batman Begins, Picnic at Hanging Rock...

    What inspires you? Currently, other etsy sellers.

    What music do you like this week? Big Audio Dynamite.

    What is your dream job? Art Therapist.

    If you could change something in the world to make it a better place, what would that be? Plant a bunch of trees.

    What do you have planned for tomorrow? Absolutely nothing :)

  2. Great answers Kara! An art therapist would be a great job!

  3. You and I have the exact same taste in movies:) I loved reading your answers. It would be wonderful to live in Spain, wouldn't it?

  4. Thanks, Vanessa, interesting questions, I'll keep them in mind in case there's one of those quiet awkward moments when our neighbors are over for dinner tonight.

  5. Hello, there's a surprise for you on my blog
    Have a nice weekend!!


  6. My favourite season is Spring, when everything starts to come alive, with the daffodils and all the new growth on the trees and in the garden. Not sure about the gherkins, but love the icecream and my favourite is dark chocolate. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx
