Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School

Back to school time is here again. When I was younger I loved school supply shopping. I'm not exactly sure what got me excited to shop for pencils, maybe it was the feeling of starting fresh or knowing that I would be able to see all of my friends again. I might just go out and buy me a pack of number 2 pencils today for old times sake ;-)

What's on your school supply list?


  1. oh, these are so cute!!! but even with those little cuties I wouldn't want to go back to school...because I just hated it :(

  2. school time was reaaly a great time, even if i didn't like it when i was going throught it lo.
    i also like you died to buy some new notebooks and pencils. ahh what a coll days were these where i organize my desk for the new year. you kind of make me sad with that post :/

  3. Those are cute finds! I always loved to shop for school too but never wanted to actually go.

  4. I'm finally accepting that my college starts classes on the 26th. (much too early...)
    I do love school supplies. There's something comforting about a new notebook and fresh pencils and pens.
    When I graduate I want a job designing all the cool notebooks and folders that are out there.

    I love the typewriter necklace!

  5. Good morning my special friend, I love those cute things, the typewriter looks a bit small for me to use, but really a lovely charm. I also just wanted to let you know that Ive left you an award on my blog, I do so hope that you will accept it. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx
