Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bon appétit!

A smart women once said, "The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook". I saw Julie & Julia over the weekend and I must say that I absolutely loved it and was completely inspired. Both Julie and Julia fiercely went after their passions - writing and cooking. I think I was surprised at how much I related to both of these amazing women - Julie aspiring to be something bigger than herself and Julia fearlessly chasing her dreams without apologies. Maybe I'll visit a used bookstore this week in search of Mastering The Art of French Cooking, not that I will ever master the art of French cooking but I think it will be great inspiration on my bookshelf.



  1. I'm hoping to see that movie soon too. Although I hate to cook, I love to read cookbooks and watch the Food Network and always love a good movie!

  2. Ah, I absolutely loved that movie! It was fantastic! And it was so inspiring!

    I am new to the Etsy bloggers, and I thought that I would introduce myself. Congratulations on the EtsyBlogger of the Month!!! You have a very lovely Etsy shop! I wish you much success!


  3. That was a fun movie! What did you want to eat after you saw the movie? I just wanted some of that butter bruschetta-like bread Julie had in the beginning of the movie! I just finished the book and I thought it was great -- different from the movie! And, I had the same reaction -- I wanted to go buy MtAoFC! I'll bet it's sold out everywhere, even used bookstores!

  4. Laurie- OMG the bruschetta looked sooo yummy!! The chocolate whatever it was also looked yummy- you know the one they were eating with their hands.
