Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby's First Phone Call Review & Giveaway - ENDED

My friends and family members are so excited for the arrival of our new baby and I know that they will all be expecting phone calls when he's born. So many veteran moms have suggested designating someone to make all of those phone calls while we bond with our baby. While that is a great suggestion, it might be awkward for the designated caller to call someone on my list that they don't know. I also thought about sending out a mass text message, but that just seems so impersonal. I would love to be able to individually call each and every single friend and family member myself but I know we'll be busy recovering from delivery (yikes!) and getting to know our little guy. This is why I was so excited to hear about Baby's First Phone Call, a service that call your friends/family and allow them to listen to the personal message that you record right after birth.

Baby's First Phone Call recently sent me a gift certificate and set me up with an account so I can enter in my phone list ahead of time. When our little guy is born, we will just have to make 1 phone call to the number they give us and they will do the rest! Such an awesome service that I'm excited to use!

Information from Baby's First Phone Call:
What It Is

Baby's First Phone Call is an automated call tree that allows you to notify all of your friends and family of the arrival of your bundle of joy without the hassle of making dozens of individual phone calls, or leaving some friends and family to find out second- or third-hand.

How It Works

With Baby's First Phone Call, you set up an account before your baby is born – when you still have a moment of time to yourself – and enter the names and phone numbers of all the people you want to notify when the baby arrives. Then, after the baby is born, you make a single phone call and leave a personal voice-mail message of any length with all the details you want to share.

Not only can you tell your friends and family when your little bundle arrived, you can share information such as the hospital and room number you're in and whether and when you'd like to receive visitors.

Our system places calls to each of the phone numbers in your account. If the person answers the phone they hear your happy message. If they don't answer, the message is left on their voicemail or answering machine. In either case, there is an option for them to leave you a return message that you can pick up at your convenience.

It's really that easy! You're doing all the hard work; let us make spreading the good news easy for you.

Use Baby's First Phone Call to notify your book group, your friends from Lamaze class, your co-workers and your extended family. Now you have the perfect way to send a personal message with your joyous news to everyone in your network!

Buy It!

Baby's First Phone Call offers a variety of call packages to suit your specific needs. Visit their packages page to learn more.

Win It!

Baby's First Phone Call is generously giving away 4 gift certificates for $50 to my lucky readers! This giveaway is open to US residents. Please note that at this time only 10 digit numbers can be entered into the system, they will be expanding to international calls in the near future. For a chance to win, you must do the following:


1. Visit Baby's First Phone Call and tell me what you like about this service.

Optional/Additional Entries: (Please leave a separate comment for each entry.)

2. Subscribe to or follow my blog. Current subscribers/followers count!

3. Blog about this giveaway.

4. Fan Designs by Vanessa on Facebook. Current fans count!

5. Fan Baby's First Phone Call on Facebook. Current fans count!

6. Follow Designs by Vanessa on Twitter. Current followers count!

7. Follow Baby's First Phone Call on Twitter. Current followers count!

8. Tweet the following (can be re-tweeted daily for extra entries): Baby's First Phone Call Giveaway @designsvanessa -

9. Post my button on your blog or site (just copy and paste the code you see in my sidebar).

10. Enter another giveaway on this blog.

Join Designs by Vanessa's mailing list.

Join the Mailing List

Enter your name and email address below:




Do this by April 1st and you are in! 4 winners will be picked randomly. Please make sure that you leave a way for us to contact you or we won't be able to get this fabulous prize to you. Winners who I am unable to contact and who don't respond within 48 hours of being sent their winning email notification will forfeit their prize and I will draw another name.



  1. This makes telling the new grandparents so much easier for us! We are planning a UC birth at home, and I was worried about having to call our parents to let them know when LO arrives, since we'll just want to relax and begin bonding with LO. This would solve my dilemma for sure!!!

  2. Joined your mailing list :)

  3. I think this is such a great idea! it makes it so much easier to share the news with all our family and friends but still be able to spend time with our new baby! I love how nobody will be left out!

  4. What a neat service! I like that even if the person doesn't answer it will leave a message. No playing phone tag!

    (aka LittleMs.Wifey on The Bump!)

  5. I am now a follower!


  6. What a fabulous service, though I think grandparents really want a more personnal call, but at least they will hear your voice on the recording. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  7. I like that you can give a gift certificate for the service.

  8. I joined your mailing list.

  9. I'm an email subscriber.

  10. I became a fan of Designs by Vanessa on facebook.

  11. I became a fan of Baby's first phone call on facebook.

  12. I love that everyone that you sign up for the service can also leave you a personal message back! how cool is that!?!?!

  13. I became a fan of Baby's First Phone Call on Facebook!

  14. I love the simplicity of the phone call option!

  15. I am a twitter follower of yours.

  16. I am a twitter follower of baby's first phone call

  17. I'm a follower of the website! This will be great for my bff who is expecting her baby this May!

  18. I love this idea. The thing I like most is that you don't have to spend the time in the hospital while drained from labor, filled with emotions over your new arrival, hungry, and I'm sure many other things while also trying to decide who you're supposed to notify! I like how you can determine who gets notified early and you just leave the details that you want your friends and family to know.

  19. I currently am a fan of yours on facebook.

  20. I currently follow you on twitter.

  21. i love the idea it takes a lot of pressure at my husband thanks for the chance
