Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tutorial Roundup: Earth Day Crafts

Happy Earth Day! How will you celebrate our earth today? Check out these fun eco-friendly tutorials I found at Minieco:

Tutorial Roundup:  Earth Day Crafts



  1. I love the crayon idea, I think we'll try that this afternoon!

  2. Great idea with the crayons. . . we have the same problem at my house with hundreds of broken ones. I am excited to try this!

  3. Let me know how the tutorial worked for you ladies! It looks really simple :)

  4. I love those crayons, this is definitely a project I want to do with my daughter!

  5. OoOohh!!! i love the crayons one... but is that safe tho???

  6. Hi Vanessa, thanks so much for your article. It’s great! Sorry for the delay in replying…we are currently in the process of moving to the UK from Australia, and whilst everything we own is happily packed on a ship, we are stranded, due to the flight disruptions caused by the iclandic volcano! Anyhow, another month and I will be posting more regularly again. I read on your site you are expecting a little boy – many congratulations!

  7. We have recycled countless crayons this way. My 6YO made heart-shaped (we used silicon muffin molds) crayon necklaces for all her friends. Wait until the wax has almost set and push the flat end of a wooden skewer through it to make a hole for the string.
