Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My First Mother's Day

Image from Dear Baby

I hope all of the mothers (mothers-to-be, mothers of angel babies, mothers of 4 legged friends) out there had a wonderful Mother's Day! I know there is some debate (in forums and other places) about whether or not pregnant women are in fact mothers but my definition of a mother is someone who thinks about her child before she thinks about herself. I'm grateful to have a mother who has done just that - sacrificed and thought of my needs first. For the past 27 weeks I have tried to follow my mother's example by thinking of my growing baby boy before I even get out of bed in the morning. I think about what food he needs to grow into a healthy baby before I eat and *try* to stay away from junk. I choke down a protein shake every morning just for him (trust me, there is no amount of money in the world that would make me do this just for myself). I get in my nightly walks with Mr. Designs by Vanessa even when I feel like a 90 year old lady who needs a hip replacement (another pregnancy perk). Before he was even conceived I thought of him on a daily basis and started taking prenatals, started working out and cut out caffeine to help get my body prepared for him. So yes, I very much consider myself a mother. Every time I feel him kick or I hear his heartbeat at my midwives office, I feel like a mother.

Mr. Designs by Vanessa gave me a very sweet 1st Mother's Day Card signed from our baby. I won't embarrass him by sharing what he wrote in the card but let's just say that it was tear inducing sweet. Ok, one tiny little excerpt: That tiny kick you feel today will be our baby boy saying, "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!" and " I love you and can't wait to meet you face-to-face and cheek-to-cheek in a few short weeks from now". Isn't my hubby nauseatingly cute?! He also got me a very thoughtful keepsake box from Willow Tree featuring a mother and a son, I can't wait to put our baby's first curl in there! He definitely made my 1st Mother's Day special and I look forward to next year when our baby is out here to celebrate with us.

I hope someone made you feel special on Mother's Day!



  1. So sweet! I know several moms-to-be who enjoyed their first Mother's Day Sunday. Hope you enjoyed this milestone!

  2. Aww how nice. Glad you had a good one!

  3. Happy to be Mothers Day Vanessa, Im sure your son is kicking well today to let you know how much he loves you. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  4. What lovely thoughts!

    I'm so glad your first Mother's Day was so special... You don't have too much longer to wait to hold your precious gift in your arms!

    I'm so glad you visited me and commented... it's been lovely to peruse your blog! :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. The minute you conceive, you are a Mother. That's how I feel about it anyway. And I think what your husband wrote in the card from your child says a lot about him and the kind of Father he will be. I wish the 3 of you all the best! I'm waiting to see pictures of baby!

  6. and next year will be a whole new Mother's Day - sleep while you can! :-)
