Saturday, May 1, 2010

Slow Down

This pregnancy is going by too fast. As much as I can't wait until the arrival of our baby boy, I also want to slow down time and really take in and remember this moment in my life. I kept a journal throughout my struggles with conceiving and when I look back at my thoughts and disappointments from just a year ago, it already feels like a lifetime away. I don't want to take that time for granted because I think it taught me a lot about myself and about the strength of my marriage. As much as I complain about nausea, heartburn, leg cramps, bloody noses (pregnancy sure is glamorous), I don't want to wish those things away because they are all signs that there is a healthy baby finally growing in my belly! I'm not sure why I'm feeling so sentimental today, maybe because our nursery furniture has arrived and things are finally starting to feel "real". We're having a baby and it is finally sinking in lol!!



  1. This blog is a nice little documenatry of all the planning you're doing for the baby. You should print the pages so you have them forever.

    (and That hedgehog clock is too cute!)

  2. Great idea Christina!! I'm also keeping a pregnancy journal but this blog has all of the fun stuff in it :)

  3. I'm so happy for you. That's a great idea to do all that jornaling.

    dorcontest at gmail dot com

  4. Hi Vanessa, every woman whos had a baby loves to remember the time when shes carried and conceived it, I want to wish you joy in your memories as when theyve gone you will be so busy you will wish that maybe you could just have a bit of me time to yourself. For once your a mother you will always be a mother. Take care my love with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx
    Love the clock to.

  5. Vanessa, good for you for writing down your experiences in a journal.
    btw, Blogger now offers to print up your posts book-style!
    I hope you continue to enjoy your pregnancy :)



  6. What a cute clock, not only for children ;)

    How exciting that you are pregnant! Despite the nausea etc, this is a wonderful time. Reading about how you kept a dairy about your struggles with getting pregnant etc made me think of the journal my dad kept got the first few months since I was born - and about all the misshieve *g*. A wonderful treasure.

    When are you due, Vanessa? Btw you look just stunning on the photo on your blog :o)


  7. Duni - I didn't know that Blogger offered that, I'll have to look into that. Thanks!

    Thanks Liesel - I'm due in early August :)

  8. That clock is adorable! Your nursery is going to be adorable, I can't wait to see photos when you are all done. I loved being pregnant but I never took the time to journal it, I wish I had. I often think about my 1st pregnancy and just bask in the memories of how blissful it was! Enjoy the the rest of your pregnancy
